How much has your council tax gone up this year?

I phoned them the other week. Apparently mine goes down £2-3. Will wait for letter if they send one .I was expecting a rise given what I have been reading online
I phoned them the other week. Apparently mine goes down £2-3. Will wait for letter if they send one .I was expecting a rise given what I have been reading online

Got my letter today and had a similar reduction of £3.46. I was also expecting a rise so while it's hardly a lottery win (maybe a pint down the local) a reduction is welcome.
£3,512.10 to £3,654.48, so 4%.

Not as bad as the 6% last year though.
3.95% a great increase considering now recycling bins are bi weekly as normal bins, you now need to pay for your garden waste to be removed (normal bin here you come) they are farming out about 15 libraries & community centres to community interests (whatever the **** they are) and they're removing all community wardens who assist police in dealing with low level anti social stuff.

Pay more for less!!! :rolleyes:

It's a disgrace and I don't know how so many muppets still vote tory. Tories say lower taxes, then slash local council budgets and they then slam you with higher council tax and the Tories say "isn't our fault, blame your council" when it is quite clearly a direct impact of Tory policy. I pay around £400 more than I did 4 years ago when I moved in and year after year services get worse and worse (our local park gets the grass cut twice a year if we are lucky)

Still people will vote tory as everyone loves a bit of racism and xenophobia, who cares if we get poorer as long as we can blame it on them 'orrible foreigners eh?!?!
Got my letter today and had a similar reduction of £3.46. I was also expecting a rise so while it's hardly a lottery win (maybe a pint down the local) a reduction is welcome.

Yep true! I live on my own so whilst I would have been paying something like £136-137 per month, I actually pay £95 with the 25% single occupant discount.

All I have heard leading up to April by people is that council tax was going up by 4-5% but yeh id take the £3 reduction :D

To be honest council tax is a bit of a farce, given that service goes down and cost usually goes up.
Indirectly it will, look into what the government is doing with spending.

Easier for people to blame it (lack of spending) all on the EU instead of looking closer to home.

And this is it, it staggers me people don't have the basic sense to recognise this.

Tories talk about tax cuts, increase to personal allowance etc, give with one hand, then the other hand takes it back. The fact it's through council tax rather than direct taxation is neither here nor there, it's a result of their policies and cuts that councils have had to find funding from elsewhere (council tax) to make up the gap.

My local area has had cut 165 million in 5 years, that's absurd and it's no wonder our rates are going up but it's not the council. If they still had that 165 million I would probably still be getting thereabouts the same level of service I got and would not be paying more for a worse service.

People not recognising this are either beyond stupid or wilfully misrepresenting the facts to suit their narrative.
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