How to get a free chicken nugget.

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I have a even better tip.... 2 FREE CHICKEN NUGGETS

At Morrisons for example they have two options.

5 nuggets for £1
10 nuggets for £1.70 or somet.

Ask the checkout person for 7 chicken nuggets. You might get "Don't ya mean 5 nuggets", but the 7 will be in there head when they are counting.

I've done this twice now. I think a third time would be pushing my luck. Will be interesting to see how many of you get 7. Think of it as a psychology test and the power of suggestion.
Even better one. Go to your bank counter and ask for £300 in cash. As she is counting it our, ask if you can have £20 in pound coins, £30 in fivers and fifty pounds in tenners. Twice this year I have been given £300 in twenties plus the extra £100 in various and they have only deducted £300 from the account.

Note: It might only work in my local branch where the tender is stupid.
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I have a even better tip.... 2 FREE CHICKEN NUGGETS

At Morrisons for example they have two options.

5 nuggets for £1
10 nuggets for £1.70 or somet.

Ask the checkout person for 7 chicken nuggets. You might get "Don't ya mean 5 nuggets", but the 7 will be in there head when they are counting.

I've done this twice now. I think a third time would be pushing my luck. Will be interesting to see how many of you get 7. Think of it as a psychology test and the power of suggestion.

Don't spread this, but.... I reckon I could think of a way to maybe get THREE FREE CHICKEN NUGGETS.

Let me know if you want details.
Come on 7 nuggets for 5, you are dreaming lad. No checkout person will fall for that. Thats as silly as asking for 200 chicken nuggets. You gotta think small. There not that stupid !!
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