How to get a free chicken nugget.

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well if you go to mcdonalds and ask for 2 egg mcmuffins and then change your mind as the server puts them on the tray you might get egg face for free!
Or you could ask for all the nuggets and when they say don't you mean 10 nuggets they will have all the nuggets on their mind and you get all the nuggets.

I've done this twice now and am barred from all Morrisons..
ive thought of another one ask for tenner nuggets and give them a fiver.

they will have ten on the brain and give you change for a tenner! its genius!
The last time I asked for 10 I got 12 without playing any mind games. Mind = blown?

Think of the greatness you could achieve if you would only apply yourself.

There's no way this psychological technology will be repressed. It's guaranteed for Derren Brown's next show.

If there ever was a time for this pic, it's now.
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