How to getthe best out of Octopus Flux

7000 people on the waiting lost for a home mini…….they are sending out around 1000 a week, so could be 4-7wks before i get mine based on when i registered my interest.

Also its now a 7mth waiting list for gas tracker, it will 2-3mths before i get registered for that. Octopus is getting busy people.
So I wonder what the drop in the energy price cap will mean for Flux.

I'm assuming the standard import rate will drop to the cap level with the cheap and peak rates falling by about the same amount. They currently seem to be at fixed level of +/- 12.5p from the standard rate, so I'm guessing that will remain similar but maybe at more like +/- 11p.

Sadly though, I guess the export rate will also drop, so will be interesting to see if that drops by the same sort of percentage as the import rate, or whether they take the opportunity to make the export a little less generous (I exported £152 over the last month for a total energy bill of £54.34 profit for me!)

I guess for us fluxers a drop in the price cap is actually a bad thing (especially in the summer), though I guess it will help with the gas bills over the winter (assuming it doesn't go back up again by too much by then).
Price of Flux is likely to all shift including the export rates along with them, may as well just take advantage of them whilst we can.

If it's switching 01/07 then at least we get all of next month at the decent rates.

I was planning to look at switching away somewhere around 01/09 anyway, so I'd potentially just have less food Flux rates for 2 months.
Its hard to tell exactly how they set the rates. But it broadly, cheap is -40%, day is normal, peak is +40%
Export, day roughly matches cheap incoming, and peak roughly matches normal incoming.

I wouldn't expect the prices to deviate dramatically from those sorts of ratio, with the "normal" price being the standard elec price.
The gaps may narrow I suspect due to the above.
But that is guess work and they may have another "formula" to work out the pricing.
My first full month on Flux and it's nicely covering everything I've used plus giving me a little back.

For 27/04 - 26/05:

291.4kWh @ 19.90p/kWh - £58.00
Standing Charge 30 days @ 45.67p/day - £13.70
Total + VAT - £75.28

446.6kWh @ 28.03p/kWh - £125.19

For electric alone, the export has wiped out the Import + SC charges and paid me £50 profit.
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How frequent do people get their electric statements?

I haven't had one since 7 March, also noticed if I click to request a refund, it says I can't as I haven't given a meter reading recently, which is odd given they are getting half hourly smart meter reads. Is this normal?
My bill gets generated around the 26th of the month like clockwork, that is the cutoff date they use but it tends to come in a day or two later than that.

My export had an issue once which meant they didn't generate a bill for me until I asked them about it, but don't even really remember what the issue was, MKW had the same thing as well I think.

Since then though all good, no problems. Twitter them and ask is probably best as there must be a problem of some kind if it's been that long.
How frequent do people get their electric statements?

I haven't had one since 7 March, also noticed if I click to request a refund, it says I can't as I haven't given a meter reading recently, which is odd given they are getting half hourly smart meter reads. Is this normal?
monthly on the.... 26th of the month I think.

(around £48 electricity imported, £22 gas imported and £98 exported

net bill was £27.50 profit.
How frequent do people get their electric statements?

I haven't had one since 7 March, also noticed if I click to request a refund, it says I can't as I haven't given a meter reading recently, which is odd given they are getting half hourly smart meter reads. Is this normal?

Sounds like you have the same issue I had.
You need to contact support to push through your bill.
Mine went wrong from when I signed up to export and IIRC hippo had same issue.
Thanks, I'll chase them tomorrow, had been waiting for all the other bits to get done, last thing was Octopus confirming that they've received the email that BG are no longer paying me deemed export, which they did about a week ago.

Should have a nice amount of export credits in the bank, Saturdays recording breaking day was a -£10.37 for our electric bill according to Octopus Watch.

1478 kWh exported so far according to Octopus mobile app, the website is broken if I select a year, it tells me "It looks like there aren't any readings after the 29th May 2022" which is kind of weird, just twigged it says 2022.
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Thanks, I'll chase them tomorrow, had been waiting for all the other bits to get done, last thing was Octopus confirming that they've received the email that BG are no longer paying me deemed export, which they did about a week ago.

Should have a nice amount of export credits in the bank, Saturdays recording breaking day was a -£10.37 for our electric bill according to Octopus Watch.

1478 kWh exported so far according to Octopus mobile app, the website is broken if I select a year, it tells me "It looks like there aren't any readings after the 29th May 2022" which is kind of weird, just twigged it says 2022.

Yeah there is something iffy with their logic in regards the graphs, it wants to find a whole year on the year tab, and whole month on the month tab etc
If you do a custom range where it actually has all the data it's fine, but if it's missing any dates in the range specified it will fail.

I can sometimes see "this week" failing because it doesn't have any data yet for the week I'm in, but starts to work fine from the next day etc.

If you want to customise the range just do custom and make sure the start and end dates include data for all the points inbetween.
After a lot of messing about I've finally managed to get on Flux today. The import has transferred over and is active from 02/06, but there's no information anywhere about the export.

I'm currently on EDFs SEG, so already provided Octopus with my MCS certificate and export MPAN when I signed up. How long does it usually take to switch in this situation?
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