How to getthe best out of Octopus Flux

It does depend on your situation. For us it's a no brainer. April we made money and will make money till probably October. Nov-march we've halved our electricity bills at least. I means I am more comfortable having the heating on and it offsets the cost of gas.

But we don't and won't have an electric car so that's also something to think about.

Even with the electric car taking around 300kwh in April I still ended at a negative bill of around £15 credit.

Obviously it will depend on size of install, mileage of EV etc but as far as I’m concerned flux is brilliant even as an EV owner at the mo.

Only caveat is that super short 3hr block limits me to 21kwh per night at cheap rate into the car or ~25% charge. If your commute was using more than that you’d have a bit of an issue staying topped up during the week potentially.
I try and use the train as much as possible - but if I had an ev I'd probably want to use it. :)

It's good to get your experiences though but you do have quite a large array - so something to be aware of.
Fascinated by the analysis here folks - this really is one of those threads which is not only interesting, but I would suggest is actually saving people real world money!!! Kudos to some really smart people here sharing their experience.
Still waiting for Octopus to sort out our export MPAN a month later here, our 2021 cheap fixed expires in Jly so intrigued to see what the consensus will be for best plan in late summer going into winter.
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Octopus have now sorted out my export. £8 profit over the last month which I'm happy with having charged the car a few times too

Not sure how I will fare come winter and may make the switch back to go
Finally got setup onto Octopus Export today fixed at 15p. Will look at a move to Flux now, although quick question. In the email from Octopus confirming export is online today they’re asking for a photo of the export meter and manual readings (see below). Surely that’s automatic with the smart meter and IHD or am so missing something?

Send us your export meter reading and a photo of the meter: You can send them back to us by replying to this email. We will credit your online account everytime you give us a reading.
Finally got setup onto Octopus Export today fixed at 15p. Will look at a move to Flux now, although quick question. In the email from Octopus confirming export is online today they’re asking for a photo of the export meter and manual readings (see below). Surely that’s automatic with the smart meter and IHD or am so missing something?

Send us your export meter reading and a photo of the meter: You can send them back to us by replying to this email. We will credit your online account everytime you give us a reading.

Yes they can and should be able to see them via smart meter, I had to send photos at the start apparently as the form asked for them, but not had to repeat that since.
Same here as well
I guess its probably to ensure there is no dispute later on.
They wouldnt know if you were moving the export from another supplier so allows them to duke it out if they disagree on numbers.
Maybe the system that they use to negotiate the change over is import only and doesnt record export (its part of why switching can be much faster now)
They can't do manual reads for Flux anyway as the prices changes in the day, manual reads would probably work OK for the 15p one as it's static pricing.

Fwiw I do see my export 30 min data on the Octopus page regarding my usage, shows up alongside my usage data for import gas/electric.
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I don't really understand how Octopus can sustain the Flux export rates (~23p/unit at normal times) at way above the wholesale prices (~10p/unit over the last few months, even less now), so I'm guessing these Flux export rates won't last that long at such high levels, unfortunately.
Yes, exported nearly 200 units in the last week, though imported 60 (nearly all at cheap overnight rate) and got my best day of production since my panels were installed at the end of last July at 34.81KWh. Forecast for the next week looks really good as well, although on saying that, my forecast is showing full sun until about 4pm today, but since I got up it's been 100% cloud cover, so who knows.

Last day of my billing month today and looking like an overall total of over £50 profit for the month (including gas and standing charges), so can't complain.
i cant believe i am saying this but i am quite excited to get my bill for this month (i think i will get it on the 26th). i have had some around 0 last year when on 2019 Go Faster pricing............... but this i think will be my 1st bill where i will be getting paid money from octopus even after my gas is covered (we have a combi boiler gas fired shower so use gas all year round)
i cant believe i am saying this but i am quite excited to get my bill for this month (i think i will get it on the 26th). i have had some around 0 last year when on 2019 Go Faster pricing............... but this i think will be my 1st bill where i will be getting paid money from octopus even after my gas is covered (we have a combi boiler gas fired shower so use gas all year round)
if you got an ipad or octo aid. it will give your bill each day and take off the export costs dual fuel bill currently stands at Minus £5.36
The wholesale price isn't static it varies in cost throughout the day.
That is true of course, but over the last week (for example) it has only varied between 6p/unit and 12p/unit. The peak wholesale price is still much lower than the 23p/unit that Octopus is paying us most of the time.

I can't see how Octopus can sustain it, though like everyone here I am currently happily benefitting from it while it lasts.
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