*** How to obtain a bike license ***

I definitely notice a difference even just going as far into London as Croydon.

More traffic, more lanes, tighter roads, and much more erratic driving as people try to fight for first to hit the next queue. Just isn't fun driving inside the M25, unless it's after midnight then at least roads are a lot emptier.

I'm pretty much just waiting for it to warm up a bit so there isn't ice/frost/snow then I'll probably book my DAS. Though I am still half way through buying a house, so will have to see.
Mod 2 passed, almost faultlessly bar 1 minor for planning. Was in the wrong lane going up to a roundabout as it was the right hand lane for straight on and I saw the sign late. Moved over safely as someone let me in, suspect if I stayed in my lane and went left I'd have been fault free but who cares I've passed!

Now just to buy a bike!
Cheers :) Due to budget constraints I'll be looking at old SV650s / Fazers etc. I only envisage running it for 2 years until I get my full license (on A2 now) so just looking for something mechanically sound to be fair.
I was really happy breezing through my Mod 1 thinking I'd gotten the hard one out of the way...until I failed my Mod 2 within 60 seconds of leaving the test center :o
Flapped on a poor lane layout coming up to a roundabout which is exactly why they use that route it's a perfect place to trip you up, thought I needed to be in the other lane and moved across too quickly causing the car behind to apply their brakes. Instant fail.

The worst bit was I was actually fine in either lane.
I found both Mod 1 and Mod 2 to be very easy - Though I did have 2 days training for each and had been driving for 6 years so that probably helped!
I'm looking to do my DAS in the next couple of months, already shopping around for pricing and a good place to get it done. Anyone from my area (Epsom) have any experience with local places?
n00b question: What do I need to buy if I plan on taking the CBT and going DAS in the next 6 months?

Don't want to turn up for a CBT with "all the gear and no idea". Equally, I don't want to get turned away by showing up in jeans and no helmet. I'd probably want to get my own helmet regardless and I'm thinking gloves.
n00b question: What do I need to buy if I plan on taking the CBT and going DAS in the next 6 months?

Don't want to turn up for a CBT with "all the gear and no idea". Equally, I don't want to get turned away by showing up in jeans and no helmet. I'd probably want to get my own helmet regardless and I'm thinking gloves.
Absolutely nothing if you don't want to. Jeans and some sturdy boots are all you need the school will provide everything else.
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