How to protect your home and your self from hostiles. Offiicial thread!!!

We live in a world of many dangerous people. So i protect my home in UK:

- 2 locks
- alarm
- strategically placed equalizers.


- steel reinforced door with dead bolts locking from inside. The kind of steel door that a police ram wont open in 1 hour and or even direct RPG hit.

- bullet proof windows with inside steel shutters that will withstand AK 47 fire.
- 1911 with 4 clips under my bed from pillow side and ak 47 with 4 clips.
- 12 gauge by the door.

How about you?
Spends copious amounts of money making the house an impenetrable fortress for personal safety.

Dies shortly after in a house-fire due to being trapped.
near your bed.

Failing that a partially used role of cling-film is a lethal weapon.

If your wife is protecting her kids she could probably get away with killing an intruder but as a man you would be accused of using excessive force.

I would imagine that a decent wallop to the ankle or elbow or knee should stop most people in there tracks without risking damage to major internal organs.

When we were at download a Policeman came over to warn us of thieves, we asked what we should do if we catch someone in our tents he advised us to apprehend him if it's safe to do so and call for help. He implied if force is necessary they wouldn't mind if it was used. which I did laugh at,
My house is DNA encoded to has a whole range of classified biometric, visual and audible security procedures that when violated cause my house to enter an alternative state of existence which is also encoded to mine and my families specific DNA and specific biological signatures and other classified criteria...this existence is only able to support our distinct and unique personalities and all others simply cease to exist as if they never were, there is also an automated, unassailable failsafe system that alters the timeline in the unlikely event that the system is circumvented....this reverts the universe to an earlier point in time and subsequently modifies the system to compensate for any compromise to the system......

I did think about buying a dog, but I though it was overkill!

That is good security system. I want one of those please.
If your wife is protecting her kids she could probably get away with killing an intruder but as a man you would be accused of using excessive force.

Pretty sure there have been a couple of high profile cases of these recently where the assailant has been killed by the householder with no further action taken against the latter.
First lol at op.
Secondly an AK47 in a residential area, are you insane. you Fire that and you'll be putting rounds into your neighbours houses, surely common sense needs to be applied to yanks and home security.

thats why he has BP windows so the rounds bounce round and liquidise the intruder (as well as him)
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