How to protect your home and your self from hostiles. Offiicial thread!!!

No as its self defense and protection of your property, which you are lawfully entitled to.

I dont know if you live in the UK or the US but in this country (UK) if you shoot or stab a burgler/intruder and he dies then with our court system there is a good chance and there are many coses where you may get done for manslaughter.
So you have imaginary guns, imaginary defences for an imaginary house you don't own in a country you don't live in.

I wish I had an imagination like yours :(
Isn't the OP the tool that posted a whole back saying he was hoping to get a job in the USA? So he doesn't actually own a gun let alone live there?!

Even if you did why would you choose an AK for home defence?! I own an AK and it sits in a separate room locked in a cabinet. Loads of people in NZ own rifles as hunting is big here, yet I don't know any that feel the need to use them for home defence! I sleep happily enough at night with the rifles and ammo locked away in separate cabinets in a different room. If someone breaks in then I'd rather deal with it normally than have a high powered rifle shooting through walls and out into the street.
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