How to Theme your iPhone Without Winterboard

The icon's are from a theme pack:

Your icon looks smaller than it should be. If you have a look at mine, it fills the top and yours doesn't.

Try this one and see if it works:

If it does then you know its your icon thats the problem.
Really nice theme's on there. I've gone with Tendance HD as a trial.

Use Springtomise to shrink your icons down to 90% so the notification bubble isnt covered and it looks less cluttered :)
I find hiding the icon labels also helps which springtomise does.

Ahh Suave bubble......its nice.

Heres Mine:


Ive shrank the homescreen icons down to 90% but left the dock icons at 100%
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Use Springtomise to shrink your icons down to 90% so the notification bubble isnt covered and it looks less cluttered :)
I find hiding the icon labels also helps which springtomise does.

Ahh Suave bubble......its nice.

Thanks for the tip. Springtomise is most certainly in my top 5 apps from Cydia. Removed the labels and reduced the icon size and its perfect. Any idea how to remove the dock shelf image in the background?

Absolute love how your theme is looking. Please include how to modify the status bar icons in your guide soon!!
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Any idea how to remove the dock shelf image in the background?

Copy and paste this file into /System/Library/CoreServices/

1. SBDockBG@2x~iphone

Make sure they have those file names because when you download them they loose the capitals.
Respring and your done.

Please include how to modify the status bar icons in your guide soon!!

Getting to that very soon. Just added how to change carrier image/logo above
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Thanks for the time and efforts writing this photoshop, going to enjoy going through and reading it all now the 4S jailbreak is out. :)
Thanks for the time and efforts writing this photoshop, going to enjoy going through and reading it all now the 4S jailbreak is out. :)

Me too :)

The question is does this guide apply to the iPad in the exact same way? I understand png icon resolutions may differ but I would expect the OS layout to be the same.
I have a question. I get two text status bar bubbles either side of my time. one in black and one in green. Using bitesms. Anyone know how to disable one of them?

Are you using LockInfo or Notifier or Reminder app?

Settings - LockInfo - Plugins - SMS/Text - Uncheck Status Bar Icon option
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