How would you dispose of a body?

interesting, but you are forgetting about all the forensic trace you are going to end up leaving behind in a place you must live / rent... maybe add a last step to burn down the premises? and the obvious destroy all clothing /shoes involved

Am assuming I was assuming the person is killed there to begin with but either way I'm not sure there is any forensic trace to be found once the bathroom and kitchen have been cleaned.
Drive about 50 miles away right out in the middle of the countryside, find a pig farm :p

Or hire a boat and sail way out in to international waters, feed the fish.
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I feel sick reading this thread.

Sorry. It was light-hearted musing until that 4chan snippet took it off a cliff into 'little too real' land. Out of curiosity, I did a quick search and found that a couple of years ago the figures for the USA were that around 65% of homicides are solved in the USA. That's a surprisingly low number but I guess by "solved" they meant "led to a conviction". So maybe the question should be "how can you reach the level of insufficient proof". For the UK, I found an old Telegraph article that says in 2007 it was around one in 80 go unsolved. That's a massive discrepancy which I think must be not comparing like for like unless Americans just have very different types of murders (e.g. a lot of random street killings with no wider motive leading to obvious suspects) which I suppose is possible.
Find open plot in grave yard awaiting burial, dig down another foot or two, bury the body and return the next day to respects at the (double) funeral :D
Actually, forget the incinerator..

Didn't they use hydrofluoric acid in breaking bad? not sure how easy this is to come by though.

I've heard that car battery acid is very strong. No idea if it would be enough and it would also be evidence in itself. There have been murder cases in which purchasing items was important evidence. "We think X used battery acid to dissolve the body. X bought 50 car batteries the day after the murder and has no explanation of why they did so and they do not have the batteries now and have no explanation of what happened to the batteries" would carry some weight with a jury.
Sorry. It was light-hearted musing until that 4chan snippet took it off a cliff into 'little too real' land. Out of curiosity, I did a quick search and found that a couple of years ago the figures for the USA were that around 65% of homicides are solved in the USA. That's a surprisingly low number but I guess by "solved" they meant "led to a conviction". So maybe the question should be "how can you reach the level of insufficient proof". For the UK, I found an old Telegraph article that says in 2007 it was around one in 80 go unsolved. That's a massive discrepancy which I think must be not comparing like for like unless Americans just have very different types of murders (e.g. a lot of random street killings with no wider motive leading to obvious suspects) which I suppose is possible.

Drug and gang killings. Cross-border killings in the south, which would also be drug and/or gang related but even harder to get a conviction on.

Also, a lot more space. There's a huge amount of countryside in the USA to hide a body in and it's more difficult to get a conviction without a body. Not impossible, but more difficult.
No idea why I am actually replying to this but here goes.

As a butcher (20+ years) I know anatomy and how to break it down. Yes I know it was a cow or pig or lamb etc but the same principle works. When I worked in a then big named butchers in the late 90s we had the bone man come round every Monday morning. He came to take away our big blue barrels of off cuts, bones, crap that we didn't use during the previous week. This barrel was kept in the freezer whilst we filled it over 7 days. We chatted to him once about what happens to this barrel once it leaves our shop. He just said it gets thawed out and dumped in a incinerator. No idea where but it was never checked for anything that could have been used for dog food or that sort of thing.

So. Dead body on my butchers block. 10 mins to cut into primals, head, arms, legs, feet etc. Organs, such as heart, livers, kidneys etc can be taken out and minced and dumped into the barrel and classed as 'gone off offal'. The legs, arms etc can be boned and boning a human male 6ft and 12 stone in weight would probably take me 15 minutes. The skin is softer than a pigs so would go through the mincer quite easily just like the meat on the body. Bone would be sawn in chunks and put in the barrels, not all in the same barrel but separated over 3 or 4. Teeth and other bits that wont mince or give the game away would be taken from the shop and juts put in a bin in the center of town some where. A full set of teeth cleaned and in a plastic bag wont cause any unwanted attention, small and compact. So easy to dispose.

The head is the hardest part. Guess it's a case of smashing the skull in and chucking the bone fragments into the barrels.
Drains . And not my drains. Or the drains of anywhere that I can ever be linked with

Or has posting this just linked me to all drains :O.

To be fair would probably take my chances making up an elaborate story to get out of it that way rather than hiding the body. Seems like way less hassle... Even if they don't totally fall for it you will probably atleast shorten your sentence .
Chop up and 20 minutes stints in my Morphy Richards soup maker, then pour down the sink / flush the down the toilet / drink as soup if i'm feeling hardcore

(Wouldn't be surprised if this was mentioned already but couldn't be bothered to trawl through the previous pages :D)
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