How would you dispose of a body?

I figured it must have been a mod. But normally a thread is locked with a message. And I thought you normally got a PM. I got one when I called AllBodies an idiot. This has just disappeared without trace (ironically). Maybe it got moved to Speaker's Corner! It was about the only thread on here that hadn't devolved into arguments over Brexit and immigation, after all! ;) :D

Ah well, thanks to my anonymous Mod accomplice who has now helped me remove this from my Internet history. ;)

(To anyone who is confused by this, there was a thread here yesterday discussing how you would dispose of a dead body).
I have often thought about this, 1 key element if you gotta do it yourself... if someone helps you got the issue of disposing of a second body....

do you need to make the body dead as well or is it already in that state?

***Ah, I see you are just looking for the thread...

I expect it contend some good ideas and some mod did not want police finding the thread
You need to fill the body and intestines with holes or it will likely pop up again

even with rocks tied to it? would this matter if you done it a number of miles out and the body would be in severe deterioration with water damage after a couple of days surely?

plus i imagine some wildlife will have nibbled on it, etc.

you don't need to get rid of the body forever per say just evidence linking you to it.
I hear pigs do a good job, they apparently eat everything including the bones

But then would you eat the pigs after you knew they'd eaten a dead body?

(I was only looking for what happened to the thread, btw, but this seems to have started up again. Clearly people like this topic! :/ ).
I love the way the 'How do you dispose of a dead body thread?' became the new 'How do you dispose of a dead body?' thread! :p
I love the way the 'How do you dispose of a dead body thread?' became the new 'How do you dispose of a dead body?' thread! :p

I'm looking forward to being able to use 'How do you dispose of a how do you dispose of a dead body thread' as a title. :)

Honestly, if it had just been locked or something, I'd have known what happened. But I find threads secretly vanishing as if they never were rather perplexing. Maybe it got moved to La Cuisine.
I'm going to assume I don't have access to a farm with pigs, large quantities of chemicals or an incinerator.

Sticking it in the bath tub and draining blood, fluids etc.. would be the first step - wash down with lots of hot water, bleach... lots more bleach, soda suds, more bleach and hot water... I then turn the oven on/clear out my freeze - I think this whole process could take couple of days or so but basically I'd cut out all flesh/organs and overcook/burn them to a crisp in the oven (some of the 'meat' would have to be bagged and stuck in the fridge or freezer temporarily and the oven running 24/7 for the 2-3 days. Probably worth re-freezing the cooked/burnt meat - then just throw in the trash/dispose of over the next month with the regular kitchen rubbish.

Hair can be burned, teeth - get a hammer, smash them to pieces, grind up the pieces until they're not recognisable as teeth... go throw in a river somewhere... ditto to the bones... cook/burn in oven then saw them into very small pieces until they're barely recognisable even if stumbled upon - throw small pieces into river(s), over several trips.

interesting, but you are forgetting about all the forensic trace you are going to end up leaving behind in a place you must live / rent... maybe add a last step to burn down the premises? and the obvious destroy all clothing /shoes involved
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