can't fault it. my opinion is possibly rendered useless by the fact that i've never seen anything like it. i did used to use high end 21" CRT monitors (£600 in 2001... mitsubishi something or other) and the picture quality is almost indistinguishable from those and in some ways better. i may only be saying this though because it's been hammered into me that CRTs of that price of that era are better than TFTs. perhaps these days a £450 TFT is actually better than that.
i've gamed on it and i can say for certain that input lag is not an issue for me because i haven't remotely noticed it- and i would consider myself a bit of a 'twitch gamer' in that i like to be able to shoot people in the face with the desert eagle in counterstrike while they are running round a corner.
colours in games are utterly amazing.
i am lost for words and frame of reference- never seen a monitor remotely as good as this, but i will be honest and say that's because i don't know anyone who spends this amount on a monitor and nowhere i've worked has had anything like this.
no faults and no dead pixels, ultra easy to assemble and connect up- took me under 2 minutes.
i do not regret this purchase one bit- so far.
sorry i can't take any more pics, i can't find my tripod for my camera cos i've just moved house.
i suppose my feedback has been a load of useless nonsense seeing as i have virtually no experience of using TFTs but what i can say is, the review at describes it perfectly and the monitor has arrived in one piece and works fine.
one thing i will note- there is a manufacturing/ assembly error in one of the control buttons. the "scan" button is slightly wonky. not good enough but at the same time i can't be bothered to send it back for that, because it's my only monitor and i'd have to do without. if i had another monitor or i was a business user i'd have sent it back straight away.
Thanks for your post C0mdot, you're swaying me back

I currently own a Samsung226BW(S)...I consider it a good monitor (it got great reviews in some quarters) and never once regretted the purchase BUT before this I had a top of the range 19" Sony CRT which I hung on to for years after all my m8s had gone LCD...why ? simply because the image quality on that was better than all the LCDs I'd seen. Yes it was MASSIVE, 4:3 and weighed the same as a baby elephant but it looked great !
When I got the Samsung I loved the widescreen and the fact that it was flat but I've never thought it looked as good as my old Sony...good enough (especially for the money I paid) but not as good...
The fact that you seem to appreciate a good CRT and that you play fast action fps games makes your opinion all the more relevant to me and that review on tftcentral looked very impressive too...I may take the plunge afterall