HP Microserver+XPEnology

Have not seen it posted here so...
I lost the ability to make any changes to "Hardware & Energy" settings with 5.2-5967

No biggie but just a heads up if this is important for you :)

cheers mate. I keep thinking of upgrading but I'm very scared of something going wrong lol, still on 5.1-5022
My password wasn't accepted by xpenology today for some strange reason. There is a command when you press tab to modify the boot options which resets the password, I think it was introduced a year ago.


Hope that helps someone.
What would you do?
I have 2 gen8 running Xpenology
1 box has 5 6TB WD reds (1 in an external enclosure connected to the internal sata port)
1 box has 1 6TB WD red

I am thinking of getting a 8TB WD red and swapping with one from the full box(and gradually replacing the 6 TBs with 8 TBs and putting the 6 TBs into box 2)

Seem feasible?
If so how should i go about it?Just take out 1 drive at a time,replace a 6 with an 8?
What would you do?
I have 2 gen8 running Xpenology
1 box has 5 6TB WD reds (1 in an external enclosure connected to the internal sata port)
1 box has 1 6TB WD red

I am thinking of getting a 8TB WD red and swapping with one from the full box(and gradually replacing the 6 TBs with 8 TBs and putting the 6 TBs into box 2)

Seem feasible?
If so how should i go about it?Just take out 1 drive at a time,replace a 6 with an 8?
So you want to populate one Gen 8 with 8TB drives and the second with the used 6?

Why not keep the first gen8 with the 6TBs and then add the new 8TB drives to the second, with only one 6tb? That way, you're not going to lose access to what must be your main storage system while you build the 8tb gen8 up? Building a new raid5/6 or SHR1/2 and then transfeering data from the the first machine will be much quicker than replacing/expanding drives from 6tb > 8tb.
Thanks for the advice :)
Did not think of it that way,I was thinking that I would end up with a spare 6TB
Not short of space as yet but trying to plan ahead :) and there is no redundancy in the second gen8 with only 1 drive
Yeah, personally I would keep the 1st gen 8 with the 5 x 6TB drives as is, create a new system using the 2nd gen8 and purchase all 8TB drives. When ready, copy the data from the 1st system to the 2nd system and then you've got both, redundancy intact and at the fastest possible expansion time.

Of course, if you're not planning on purchasing ALL 8TB in one go, or your space will be used up before then you can just upgrade system 1 with 8TB drives until its maxed and then add the spare drives to the second system... guess it comes down to how much can you outlay in HDDs at one go & how quickly you will use the space up that remains on the first system.
Then you're plan is sound, just update each one as you get enough money for an 8TB drive.

With SHR1 you'll see the increase after the 2nd drive is added due to parity and SHR2 you'll see the increase after the 3rd drive is added. Raid5/6 works the same way but you'll only see the increase once all drives have been replaced.
Will be going with SHR1 again,same as first box.Ideally i wanted a single case solution but that ended in dismal failure and loss of data a few months back :(
Getting a second gen8 when on offer seemed a good idea after that
Yeah you'll be ok then, pull a 6tb from system 1, add an 8tb in its place and let DSM rebuild the array. you can then add that spare drive in to system 2 and create the first SHR1 array there; every time you add a new 8tb to system 1, you can use that replaced 6tb drive in system 2 and you'll be sweet.
Just ordered a WD RED 8TB :)
On a different note am having trouble deleting a folder on box1
no option to delete is available????How can I delete it?(tried to delete all folders one at a time to check and none will delete:confused: )
:D:D:DAwesome been trying for ages on and off to delete 2 empty folders
Hopefully my new hdd will be here on Tues
Had a think on best/safest use for it and now am thinking of putting it into box 2
This has 1 6tb drive so I realise I would `lose` 2 Tb until I put another 8tb in there and eventually when I get the last 8 Tb I will use that in a pc (sometime in the future)
See anything wrong with my thinking at this time m8?
Nope nothing, its just the reverse of what we discussed in previous posts... Ultimately you'll have less capacity on the 2nd box until you build out with more 8TB drives, but keeping the data on the 1st until you're ready is safer as I have known synology boxes to screw up when expanding drives.
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