lulz? why is everyone ordering from insight for the same price you can buy on ebay?
I did it simply to A. get some sleep. B. it was a major retailer. and they got giving all the UK stock it seems
lulz? why is everyone ordering from insight for the same price you can buy on ebay?
lulz? why is everyone ordering from insight for the same price you can buy on ebay?
£200 for a dead-end platform is not good value, regardless of the specs.
The chances of a flawless Android port are slim, and even if one were to be developed it will be close to a year.
Meanwhile very few apps/games and a glut of 2nd-hand Touchpads on Ebay will limit it's resale value.
why would you buy from insight unless it represented a decent saving? logic fail?
why would you buy from insight unless it represented a decent saving? logic fail?
WebOS has not been abandoned, merely the TouchPad hardware. Considering QualComm tested the hardware on Android, why would you assume a viable Android build cannot be built?
You underestimate the people/groups who work on these sorts of ports.
WebOS has not been abandoned, merely the TouchPad hardware. Considering QualComm tested the hardware on Android, why would you assume a viable Android build cannot be built?
why would you buy from insight unless it represented a decent saving? logic fail?
I cannot for the life of me find touchpads on insights website, any direct links?
HP have said they have not abandoned it, but it won't be HP developing apps/games for consumer use.
Because there's a high chance of there being little niggles things that will go unfixed for ages since there's no source for the drivers that QC used to make it work.
The longer it takes to port, the less developers there will be involved in porting it; people lose interest as a new device comes along and the TP gets old.
The chances of a working Android 2.2/2.3 port look good, but will it be 100% functional?
Give it a few months and people will start putting their second hand ones on ebay because they've stopped using them.
The HTC HD2 has not been abandoned and Android is still widely developed, as well as Mango (for example).
There are many other newer handsets available but it still gets plenty of attention.
Maybe it will get totally abandoned, but so far the attention and bounties attracted are a decent start. I would not pay £200 personally, but for some that still represents decent value even if they keep it on WebOS.