***HTC Magic Thread***

I have had bad battery days but getting the power saving app (advanced power manager) makes a huge difference. I also go upto 65miles using the phone as a sports tracker when cycling which drains it tons, this still lasts me about a day from full charge.

The evidence is pointing that the user in this case hasnt tried a lot of the avenues to take in order to prolong the battery life. Granted it isnt the best battery on the phones ive had, however none of my previous phone could browse, gps, watch movies/iplayer etc which if you think wont drain power then your expecting too much.

The iphone is great, but would have cost me upto £100, be on a sh*ite operator and cost me £5-10pm more money. All these three factors means the iphone is actually a bum deal and until it can be any network and some competition to drum down the monthly prices then I'l gladly stick to the magic!
Well either

a) You have heavy use

b) a faulty phone

c) higher expectations than most people in this thread

i would say its probably a or b tbh.

Used my phone pretty heavily this week for web browsing etc and, yeah, the battery gets low, but I'm getting the use out of it.

Tuesday for example, I browsed the web for approx 1hr over 2g and for approx 30mins over 3g, watched a couple of daft 2 min vids on utube, sent 20 or so sms, sent an email, made 3 10/15 min phone calls and the phone was off charge from 7am till 11.30pm phone was showing 42% battery.

I think thats pretty decent.
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Aye, google do see somewhat retarded in this. Are they unhappy that a coder is making their "open source" OS faster and better where their team of many are not?

Big corporate ****s who know **** all about anything sticking their oar in once again. I bet the original google is turning in it's grave.
Yeah, I like Google and everything but I don't want to end up disliking them because of this! I'm hoping it's just one division of Google where one fat cat has made a huffypuff.
Well the situation now is a little troublesome. Is there going to be any more development from Cyanogen as I was reading he's quoted as saying, and I paraphrase

"the G1 is my first and last Android phone, I'll be getting an iPhone, **** you google."

With this in mind what will happen about the stable 4.2?

I don't really want to go back to 1.5, and when the update comes, 1.6 but has too many issues to make it a permanent OS.

I'm tempted to go back to 4.0.4. Not sure what to do atm.

I did read that one of the lead coders at google tweeted that were apple/ ms or palm recruiting coders.

Anyway, anyone know of an easy way to go back to 1.5 cupcake standard? I'll need to do that eventually when I sell this phone, which could be sooner than I ever thought I would with whats happened these last few days.

It's a shame as I really liked the whole google experience but that was increased tenfold with Cyanogens speeding up of Android.
Did you create a nandroid backup of the stock firmware? :D

I will be looking at an iPhone 3GS off contract too if Cyanogen does not continue building the roms. There are other roms though like JACs but obviously they're not gong to be the same level as Cyanogen. is running superb for me no major deal breaking issues but it is nice to have a stable version.
Aye I do have the nandroid of 1.5, forgot about that.

Don't get me wrong, is great but the black screen pause when coming out of apps, and then sometimes getting a force close/wait box come up is getting annoying. I suppose this may well be reduced once all apps are 1.6 compatible.

I don't want an iPhone, I want an Android, but at least buying an iPhone I know that it's run dogmatically by a big faceless corp, I never expect this from google when I bought the Magic.
Reading about this on XDA and all I can say is... WTF Google?!?

Why don't they give the guy a job. He and the rest of the guys that contribute to the ROMs are all obviously very talented and better than the people they have in.

what other phones offer the same level of modding etc?

This has made me seriously rethink the magic tbh, it was good out of the box, don't get me wrong, but cyanogens roms made it a flying machine. Im running and have only experienced 2 force closes in a week which for me is not a big deal.

What the heck google is up to im not sure, way to spoil an awesome platform guys!
Aye, going back to 1.5, good as it was, would be taking a step backwards. Yes it was good but we've experienced better now.

What annoys me is I'd even pay for decent modded rom's, if the money was to goto google to cover their non open source apps, just so I can have the best phone OS there is and not have to settle for something, Android 1.5/1.6, thats not quite the best there could be.

Seems like settling for tesco value burgers when the finest steak is almost within reach.
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I've noticed in the past couple of days that Gmail doesn't appear to be syncing up correctly?

I'll read/delete/whatever emails from my phone and then login to Gmail on my desktop and the same emails are still there as they were before?

Mine stopped syncing about a week ago. Since then I flashed one of the cyanogen roms and its working fine as I tried getting settings on the cupcake and it never got it working properly.
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