***HTC Magic Thread***

Oh I see!


Hmm, just had a close inspection of my SD card, seems the 2x4GB Vodafone sent me are CLASS2 and not Class 5 or 6!...no wonder they were free :/

I've not noticed any speed issues though so I can only imagine how much faster a class 6 card will perform...!

Ordering a Class6 tonight.

I picked up an 8GB Transcend class 6 micro SDHC card for £13.99 when they're that cheap you might as well get the fastest.

Found that on a popular memory supplier shop for £11.49 delivered!
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I don't spose you can elaborate on where you're getting that card for that price mrk?

I just purchased my first paid for app off the Android Market. MyBackupPro. It's weird that I just bought something on my phone. Modern technology eh? :D
Thats a shame but I found it for that price on a website nonetheless (my favourite word). Once it's delivered from this retailer, hopefully in less than 7 days (who knows what with the posties being lazy again), then I shall do the partitioning thing.
Well my EXT3 and SD are backed up locally, I love the backup process :D

adb pull /system/sd/ %CD%\extbackup

Bungs everything to the sdk directory nicely, then I just move to backup store :D
I've managed to find an 8gb class 4 micro sd card so i've run the partition script posted earlier to setup apps2sd. It's installed all the apps correctly so i decided to try a wipe and install the new cyanogen rom to see how it would work.

All my apps have been installed onto the phone correctly however they all now take about 3 times longer to launch compared to running them from the phone memory as I normally do. I also get 1 app (digital clock widget) that constantly force closes every time i try to run it.

Is this due to the sdcard being only class 4 or have I mucked something up along the way?
Well my SD card is class 2 :p

I assume some minor apps like the digi clock may force close, try fix_permissions yet?

Also on the recovery screen there is an option to repair ext partitions too, try this!

Also, did you use EXT4?
I've tried reading up on fix_permissions, keep seeing it mentioned but cant find any actual information on what it does or where to get it. Got a link?

It made it ext2, i just ran "sdparted" as I figured default would be best.
Ah, you can upgrade it to ext3 or 4 easily, ext2 is quite old hat.

sdparted -ufs ext4 will upgrade existing ext partition to ext4 for example.

fix_permissions is a built in script, just load up the terminal in the phone apps drawer then type that in using the keyboard after su - should fix broken apps.

I didn't have any problems at all though from the getgo on mine with all the apps above installed.
The digital clock widget still crashes but upgrading the partition to ext4 has completly sorted the speed out. It's back to being as quick as using the internal memory. Thanks very much mrk :)
I work in IT, how could I not figure this out sooner. If it doesnt work, uninstall it then reinstall it again! Digital clock widget now works!

Now that i've stopped fiddling with that I've realised just how quick this ROM is, it's so much better, even coming from (or whatever combo of 1's it was). Gotta love cyanogen.
3 months in and I absolutely hate this phone and cannot wait to get rid of it.

The battery life is utter rubbish even if I only browse the net for 30mins, send 20 texts, and make 1 hour of calls.. it still dies on me before the day is out, I don't think that is excessive. The only way to make it last just that big longer is to force it into 2G mode but who wants to do that on a phone like this?

It has a terrible habit of not being able to pick up a signal when it goes out of range and instead needs a restart in order to get a signal.

Texting someone has become a chore. Terrible as it sounds I now find it a hassle to text my friends back. I leave it until later when I have some patience.. this is even with the added keyboards that are around. It plain sucks.

The only good thing I have to say about the phone is the web browsing, but then again don't expect to get too much web browsing out of it before the low battery sign pops up. If it had flash support it might take the sting out of it... but no.

Many of the apps available for it are very gimmicky and do not offer much. Take the much shouted about shopsavy which hardly ever shows anything useful to us UKers, just makes you feel like a total idiot in a shop scanning a barcode of something only to see it has no matches found, or shows results of something totally unrelated like a can of baked beans when you are infact scanning a CD. Many of the apps cost, for an open source OS it is very disheartening.

The camera is very poor.

The constant prompting to update the apps that you already have installed is like some nag screen. Why can't the phone update the apps itself? You telling me I have to go to each and every app and upgrade it myself? Get lost.

Every day that goes by I am disliking this phone more and more. :mad:
Sounds like you are not really using the phone correctly in some way....perhaps having a background app process eating battery or something because the Magic is no different battery wise to most other touchphones of a similar class.

Anyway, the battery lasts a whole day without needing a charge, I proved this the other week when I took it to London and watched a tv show on the train, checked directions via GPS and stayed in 3G mode with some email/web surfing thrown in as well as some short calls.

Apps will prompt you to update, why should they auto update? it's user choice whether to be notified or not. apps will not auto update unless you choose to update them manually - this is a security measure too as well as a bandwidth measure and the updae notification is never in your face, just an icon in the tray bar.

I recommend rooting and then installing a Cyan rom. It makes the phone better in every way.

As for the apps...seems like you've only looked at the gimmicky ones. Try some of the ones from my installed list above - they are certainly not gimmicky.

Perhaps you're not quite ready for the next step up from standard button phones because you won't find any other phone different in terms of battery, apps or featureset.

The camera is also of good quality - elaborate on how you find it bad? it's a phone and is perfectly decent for a phone:

Have to agree with you on texting 2StepSteve, I cant stand texting on it at all. I prefer my old c905 for texting, and I dropped my phone by accidedent on a carpet (quite a hard carpet) and its now got a crack along the back, a dent in the top!!!

Not exactly sturdy :(
Have you not tried an alternative keyboard?

Unless you're constantly typing in small QWERTY instead of normal large QWERTY? (as in rotate to landscape so you get full keyboard).
HTC_IME (touchinput, eg: hero keyboard) or some of the others mentioned in this thread?

There's a few if you Market search plus you can use them in normal numpad KB mode if you're used to that...

You can't exactly foul something and say it's bad if you've not tried to fix the problem you have with it now lol
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