***HTC Magic Thread***

Hey mrk, how long did your phone take to reboot with the new updates applied? Mine has been going for ~15 minutes rebooting and starting to get a little worried :S

//edit : - Gave up with the new update, not sure why but it would not boot after applying the files linked here :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=568032

Should I be using a different set of files as I am not used to doing these updates yet either :(

As mrk said above thats the wrong ones, the 32a. Your looking for the ones on this page http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=567610

Takes no time, i think if your on anything above 4.2.2 you can just flash with newer versions, no need to do the 2 stage thing or wipe all data/settings.

If it helps, this is what i done (not sleepy enought for bed yet lol)

-Papped the zip on the memory card (and the sound resources, fed up of the same ring tone!)
-Switch off
-Home and power button till the boot menu shows
-Nandroid backup 2.2
-Flash with any zip on sd card, and selected the
-Gave it a minute...
-Done, so i selected reboot
-Phone booted, takes a bit longer than usual... maybe 1-2mins on the animated android screen.

Job done :)

Might help, might not lol!

Back to more House MD for me :D woo!
I've got a class 6 8gb card , and have a 96mb Linux swap on it and it runs sweetly. I've no idea if thsts better tyhanthe olg 4gb card i have, not sure what the classs was, but you amy as well get the best you can inc ase it is noticably bettwer
I'm thinking of getting one of these as I'm still using my K800i that I got almost 3 years ago.

I noticed they can be had for <£200 from the fleabay. How would I go about getting a good deal for internet access and such? Are there any providers that stand above all the others? I have O2 broadband so maybe they could give me some sort of deal?
Depends what network you are currently with, if tied into a contract, or what network you prefer.

I'm with T-Mobile and "unlimited" internet cost's me £5pm on top of my plan (unlimited is bull**** the FUP is 1gb pm). T-Mobile also do a PAYG sim where if you put £10pm on it you get "unlimited" data and text's.
Arrr can someone explain why all of a sudden when I rec/
eive a text the message tone buzzes twice and vibrates twice! Only get the one envelope in the top left though, it's so annoying!!!! Could've it be donut ?
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Upgraded mine to yesterday.

Everything working fine as before.

Didn't partition the SD card and the phones performance feels fine to me. Only got the 2GB SD Card that came with the handset.

Whats the best guide around for partitioning the SD card?
Yep. Has been for a week or two now. Use uk.androlib.com.

Thanks for that. I was hoping there might be more info on screen size support by apps. My gf has just got a HTC Tattoo on Orange and the number of apps is limited by its smaller resolution. Thankfully more devs are supporting the smaller size and reposting their apps to the Market.
Just dropped my Magic (on concrete) and cracked the screen! Still works but i'm not happy. Can get a replacement from an online auction for £35 - £50 but can't find any instructions on how to change the screen. Can anyone help with a link?
Just dropped my Magic (on concrete) and cracked the screen! Still works but i'm not happy. Can get a replacement from an online auction for £35 - £50 but can't find any instructions on how to change the screen. Can anyone help with a link?

Does your contents insurance not cover it?
Anyone want to see a Magic in bits?



So managed to remove the case, bit fiddly but ok enough. Now just wondering if while it is all in bits waiting for the new screen to arrive, whether I should spray the case another colour?
Cheers for the correct 32B links, will be updating tonight! Would explain why it just was not happening and seemed more of a pain than before!

//edit:- Woo so much faster again! I have been running 4.04 for awhile and was waiting for this update and really really pleased with it now!
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Btw get Bedside app, it's a wicked clock app that activates when you plug in the power or dock the phone and turns off when you disconnect - great for the....bedside :p

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