***HTC Magic Thread***

Well I did have to click on "apply now" after it downloaded at which point it rebooted into recovery, updated and then I had to click reboot from recovery, all within the safety of non moving traffic of course =]

The launcher tray seems smoother than previous builds now, 4271 log says it has more eclair performance fixes and also a new kernel, this may be why!
Launcher tray is the bottom one, when you scroll the pps in lists it used to stutter a tiny bit but each big version update to CM has resulted in it getting smoother!

Only issue I have noticed is that since the last update which added contact pictures to the primary contacts list like how the favourite contacts list is by default that the main contacts list scrolling stutters now if you scroll really fast on a big list.

Not a problem if you only have a few friends though I guess ¬_¬
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