***HTC Magic Thread***

I downloaded this morning before I went to work and left it sat there on my sdcard. Normally I'd flash it right away but I wanted to show an iPhone user what a real phone can do. He was mighty impressed with the phone and the ease of updating, i.e no bloody iTunes needed.

The new, darker, music and power thingies widget's look so much nicer.
So I got my magic this morning. I have read that the battery needs conditioning before it reaches its peak. Are there any special instructions for this? I read at another forum that it should be topped up and to never let it run down - Is this true?
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Yes I bought Beautiful Widgets and yes it is now very poor. He even got rid of the 'small' version which I used. Needless to say I left my comments in the comments section. I now use some free ones I found.
Gonna do this new update the now...!

My phone had a 'moment' yesterday where it started vibrating like i was getting a call, wee track ball flashing and vibrating. Nothing on creen tho, tried to wake it up to no avail. 1-2 mins later it was still doing it, lol

Dunno if i had got a call and crashed the phone, or it just went into a spasm.

First proper issue i have had with it tho :)
Gonna do this new update the now...!

My phone had a 'moment' yesterday where it started vibrating like i was getting a call, wee track ball flashing and vibrating. Nothing on creen tho, tried to wake it up to no avail. 1-2 mins later it was still doing it, lol

Dunno if i had got a call and crashed the phone, or it just went into a spasm.

First proper issue i have had with it tho :)

mine did this EXACT thing yesterday, weird!

updated this morning and its a another step forward. Awesome work.
It's alright for you, every Christmas I have 2 weeks off (just started) and this is the time of year i do my yearly age test.

You know how to tell the age of a tree you cut it in half and count the rings? well on my 2 week Xmas break I grow a beard/goatee (I work in the food industry where you are either clean shaven or wear a snood so I clean shave) and to tell my age I count the grey hairs. This year it's looking bad, very bad :(

Oh to keep this on topic I downloaded shootme but when I shake to take a screenshot of my home screen several of the widget icons vanish just at the second the pic is taken. I prefer picme :D
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