***HTC Magic Thread***

I'm too dang cool to be on 1.6. :cool:

Think I've solved it. Because I only had content on two screens I could only see the first home screen and the two on the right plus one on the left. I've added content to the most right screen you can get and I'm adding content to the first left home screen to get me access to the most left one.

You've made that sound complicated when in fact it isn't :p

back to your box gimp.
If I get a Nexus One (most likely) or Droid early next year then maybe :p

But then again I could get high monies for a rootable Magic!

Oh man :O
Well brand new they are selling for £250 unlocked with 2GB cards so I reckon a fully rooted one like mine could go for £200+ with 8GB + dock and a spare case to boot :p
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