***HTC Magic Thread***

just download Android terminal emulator free from the market. Make sure you have root access.

Download Amon RA Recovery and make sure it is G version. Rename it to ballbag and stick it on your SD root.

Open terminal and type

mount -a
flash_image recovery /sdcard/ballbag.img

I just did it from ADB via "adb shell" (immensely useful).
I tried that last night for the mic fix. The phone couldn't be detected so I tried the USBDeview.exe to remove the Phone but when I plugged it back in Windows found a drive for me so I couldn't substitute the one with the mic fix pack.

Root access is denoted by the prompt, basically the end character should be '$' when you first open the terminal (means non-root user basically), and once you type su that should change to a '#' :)
K. Any idea why rotating the phone to landscape should make the app crash? Its much easier to enter the correct text that way but the app crashes before I can get any text in on landscape.
Cheers Alfie, that was completely painless, now running the latest Amon Ra Recovery :)

No idea MarcLister, I just tried the 'standard' terminal emulator and it worked fine when switched to landscape, that's on

I just did it from ADB via "adb shell" (immensely useful).

I completely agree with you, but with those new to android that might open up a huge can of worms regarding drivers. Phone not appearing under devices etc.

But yes, it's well worth getting set up with ADB

I tried that last night for the mic fix. The phone couldn't be detected so I tried the USBDeview.exe to remove the Phone but when I plugged it back in Windows found a drive for me so I couldn't substitute the one with the mic fix pack.
I still don't get it.

I said it's simple enough to do it through ADB without having to buy better terminal emulator - I assume the XDA thread was followed when installing the patch which tells how to apply it (and any others in a similar way).
It's quite clear isn't it? I'm not insulting anyone. Just amuses me that my response to Khaans comment was immediately justified.
Not because I didn't know what I was doing but because Windows didn't act in the way it was implied it would in the readme for the mic fix. :)

I still don't get it.

I said it's simple enough to do it through ADB without having to buy better terminal emulator - I assume the XDA thread was followed when installing the patch which tells how to apply it (and any others in a similar way).
For the mic fix? Yes I did what it said and it just refused to work. :(
Hmm strange - sure ADB was installed using the correct USB driver?

Also, anyone noticed the wysies Contacts app changes? I love editing the contact categories now, instead of "Home" "Work" "Mobile" etc I have added custom ones like "Direct Dial" "Blackberry" and others :D
You have to install ADB? First I've heard of that. :p How do I go about doing that then mrk? ;)


Got it working. I used USBDeview again but made sure I interrupted the Windows driver process. I then went into Device Manager and found the ADB entry there and pointed it to the x64 driver in the mic_fix directory. Everything worked A-OK. :)

Just need to have another go at getting Amon Ra's recovery on there now. :D
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To get adb working on my clean install of windows 7 (64bit) the other week i had to find a 64 bit driver for adb. The file location was buried deep within the adb thread on XDA. I have the free version of Better Terminal and that works fine so if I don't need to use adb I don't. It's not that I am afraid on command line interfaces, I'm not, my first PC was pre windows and DOS based, it's just that I like to do things the easiest way.
Something weird is up. I tried the new terminal app and it gives me an error when I do "mount -a" after doing an "su". Says something doesn't exist. Looks like the renaming of the recovery file to recovery.img, placing it in /data on the card and then doing a full reboot followed by a recovery reboot isn't working. I keep getting the old recovery GUI that.

Going to post in the Amon Ra thread and see what I get from there. :)
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