If anyones interested these 10m cables work fine with the vive.
Startech 10m active hdmi model hdmm10ma.
Csl usb 2.0 10m repeater model 23994/20151008sz021.
What about the power side of things?
If anyones interested these 10m cables work fine with the vive.
Startech 10m active hdmi model hdmm10ma.
Csl usb 2.0 10m repeater model 23994/20151008sz021.
What about the power side of things?
Can't wait to see what comes out of Valve opening up the lighthouse technology to third parties... Still super glad I got my Vive.
Anyone else had problems with the velcro fastenings on the head straps? It has totally come away on one side; don't see why I should have to stitch things up / fix it myself of £700 worth of kit less than a month old! HTC dont respond to chat or email tickets; looks like I will have to contact OC- not impressed with the quality of the head strap and even less with none response of HTC tbh
I think the head strap is removable and replaceable so it may be that they can just send you a new one without returning the whole thing
Does anyone else have trouble with Tilt Brush though? It's not very smooth and keeps dropping frames - despite the fact that every other game I've tried it nigh on perfect? I'd have though TB was one of the least demanding!! (This is on a 980, btw).
Done a search and can't find anything...so it must just be me :/
What's your budget for the wheel? Thrustmaster T500 would fit most people's definitions of good (it's what I use) but is relatively spendy. Clutch is definitely supported by pCars but to make much use of it you'd obviously also need the separate TH8A shifter.Related to the my Vive but not a Vive question. Does anyone have a recommendation for a wheel a good one for project cars, with a clutch and does project cars allow clutch within game?
Another question, I have a X55 Hotas, does No Mans Sky have the ability to use it?
Anyone else had problems with the velcro fastenings on the head straps? It has totally come away on one side; don't see why I should have to stitch things up / fix it myself of £700 worth of kit less than a month old! HTC dont respond to chat or email tickets; looks like I will have to contact OC- not impressed with the quality of the head strap and even less with none response of HTC tbh