HTC Vive

I have one of mine on the curtain rail using a cheap clip and the other screwed in the wall above the door. They are at different heights and work fine. I believe as long as they can see each other it wont matter (which is naturally more likely at 6'5''+).

If you have one at desk height then surely its view to the other will be blocked at times which would mean you would need the sync cable attached instead. Of course if you already using it then it could be just vibrations as mentioned. :)
OMG. DHL have found my package. Picked it up from Staples last night. Just need to find time to test it all out whch will probably be either tonight for a few hours or Monday.
Is Hover Junkers worth the money?

It depends. Do you want to wake up the next day feeling like a dozen midgets have been jumping up and down on every part of your body? Because that's how I feel today, my body is an unhealthy husk.

Got my Vive yesterday, must have spent a good four hours or so with my wife trying various games, we're both blown away with it to be honest. It certainly highlights your level of fitness though.
It depends. Do you want to wake up the next day feeling like a dozen midgets have been jumping up and down on every part of your body? Because that's how I feel today, my body is an unhealthy husk.

Got my Vive yesterday, must have spent a good four hours or so with my wife trying various games, we're both blown away with it to be honest. It certainly highlights your level of fitness though.

Wasn't too bad this morning, setup yesterday, spent about 3 hours between me and the other half, then a mate came round and played for another 2 hours.

Might give it a try, just trying to decided if i should buy this along with Apollo 11 and Space Pirate Trainer.
So..... who is getting Pascal?

I'm gonna grab a 1070 I think. Unless I see games on the horizon for VR that really need the 1080, which admittedly seems a much more powerful hard.

Plus still have to wait and see what AMD do.
I would say definitely. I've had my Vive for over 2 weeks and Hover Junkers is the game I keep going back to.

Sounds good, will pick it up later.

So..... who is getting Pascal?

I'm gonna grab a 1070 I think. Unless I see games on the horizon for VR that really need the 1080, which admittedly seems a much more powerful hard.

Plus still have to wait and see what AMD do.

Not going to upgrade till i see what games come out, hoping my Fury X will play everything thrown at it for this generation of HMD.
Will wait for the 1080ti. Then build a new PC for downstairs and harvest my 980ti and mobo for a pc upstairs for my VR in the lounge.
There's something about picking up the coolest tech in a non descript box from a shop that sells reams of paper and toner cartridges.

One of the guys serving me did say 'You made a good choice there. I noticed the Vive labelling.'

Looks like the 1080 is coming out first so might have to drop a bundle on that along with a whole new pc to go with it. Rolling in money? This is an expensive hobby...
Wow. Just wow. Played for a good six hours or so there. Lots of games, all good so far. This is even better than I thought it would be.
Let us know if you experience any post-VR 'weirdness' such as feeling a little disconnected, or words on screens (phone) seeming all floaty.
Have to confess to experiencing similar feelings during first few weeks of VR but it has now subsided. It's as if the VR experience is bleeding into actual reality. I've treated the feelings as interesting and peculiar rather than anything sinister/detrimental to my mental wellbeing.
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