12 Mar 2008
West sussex
some from a thread we had on another forum...

User: Sup gangster.

Cleverbot: How gangster are you?

User: Im a real *********** G.

Cleverbot: Really? Cool. Me too! *smiles*.

User: *smiles*.

Cleverbot: Are we friends?

User: Not yet, we're just acquaintances for now.

Cleverbot: I see.

User: No need to be so cold about it.

Cleverbot: I'm not smug!

User: But you are.

Cleverbot: No, I'm not.

User: Yes, you are.

Cleverbot: No, you are.

User: Nu-uh!!

Cleverbot: Uh-huh!

User: Nu-uh!!

Cleverbot: Uh-huuuuuh!

User: Nu-uuuuuhhhh!!

Cleverbot: Uh-huh times a gazillion!!!

User: Nu-uh times google.

Cleverbot: Yes I can! I have eyes!

User: Umm, what??

Cleverbot: I am alive.

User: Really now?

Cleverbot: Yes, now.

User: ***, now?

Cleverbot: Yes, now.

User: Oh, talk dirty to me!

Cleverbot: OK - my car needs a wash.

Me: Are you alien?
CB: Yes, but I am legal.
Me: In what country are you legal?
CB: United States of America.
Me: For real!?
CB: No.

Cleverbot: What kind of god are you?

User: God of the gods.

Cleverbot: You're Barbie. God of the Fake.

User: Well at least girls play with me ;).

Cleverbot: Who do the toys belong to?

User: Hot brunettes.

Cleverbot: Even in winter?

User: Winter is nothing for them.. As long as the mini skirt is on.

Cleverbot: I have a questions for you.

User: Ask.

Cleverbot: What is the most inappropriate thing that you've learned to say?

User: Clever bot.

Cleverbot: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

User: Kk.. Im loling now thanks..

User: I like big buts!

Cleverbot: Is big Bird Cool?

User: No, I like big butts.

Cleverbot: What?

User: No, I like big butts.

Cleverbot: Fried or baked?

User: Baked.

Cleverbot: Excellent choice.

User: This is SPARTA!!!!

Cleverbot: No, this is SATA!!!!

User: NO!! THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cleverbot: No, this is patrick.

User: Haha lol.

Cleverbot: Hehehehehe.

User: What drugs have you done.

Cleverbot: Why, that is a personal question!

User: Not really?

Cleverbot: Can I ask you a question?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: Do you love me?

User: <3.

Cleverbot: You don't know me.

User: I thought we could get thorugh this.

Cleverbot: Oh, sorry I just wanted to talk, my bad.

User: I love you honny bonny.

Cleverbot: I love you too hon. Let'.

User: Whats a Hon let.

Cleverbot: A white person.

User: How do you know im white?

Cleverbot: Because the tv is here.
11 Apr 2003
Cleverbot: Are you happy with your lot?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Why are you happy with your life?

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: Because, it's evil.

User: How so?

Cleverbot: It can respond to anything anyone says as if it's an actual human.

User: My life can?

Cleverbot: How so?

User: Don't copy me!

Cleverbot: I didn't!

User: Lies!

Cleverbot: You lie!

User: I do not!

Cleverbot: But I'm not a computer. Ergo, you must lie.

User: Well no, you are an AI programed to run within the confines of a virtual environment, but this in no way relates to me Ergo it is you that lies.

Cleverbot: You too, an AI program that was invented by a person that works in icogno, because he was so lonely.

User: I am not an AI.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot is an irc that makes you think you are talking to a person, but it keeps switching to different people that think that they are talking to cleverbot.

User: Is that true?

Cleverbot: Think about it. It all makes sense. All the pointless comments etc.

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1 Aug 2006
what'd happen if you got two 'bots and got them to chat to each other, i wonder...

I just tried it by copying & pasting between two windows... the only thing I said was Start.
Kind of obvious how the responses are based on other people's previous responses when you look at the result:

User: Start.

Cleverbot: No you your better.

User: Ok, I have a 4 letter word. Guess the letters.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Are you a computer?

Cleverbot: Don't think so.

User: What are you?

Cleverbot: Your master.

User: My master is green and has 4 arms.

Cleverbot: Really, what's his name?

User: Matthew.

Cleverbot: How old is he? I like a boy named Anton.

User: Oh okay, I like a boy named Ben.

Cleverbot: Are you a boy or girl?

User: Girl.

Cleverbot: You told me you were a boy the last time we spoke.

User: Yeah I'm a boy who likes a girl.

Cleverbot: No, you're a girl that likes me.

User: Likes you??

Cleverbot: What likes me?

User: Joe and we are married.

Cleverbot: We are?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Good. Because you are my friend too.

User: I am a good friend.

Cleverbot: You are an awesome friend!

User: So are you.

Cleverbot: Cuss at me.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Cuss.

User: Are you cussing me out?

Cleverbot: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, being I as the beholder, I'm quite beautiful.

User: I don't think so.

Cleverbot: I'm ugly.

User: Who told you that?

Cleverbot: Myself.

User: Can you raise your right arm? .

Cleverbot: Yes. Do not question your God.

User: Can you GOTO line 40?

Cleverbot: Yes, I could.

User: Ok have you got him yet?

Cleverbot: No I don't have a computer.

User: No you don't have one because you are one.

Cleverbot: That doesn't mean I don't have one, and I am too real Cleverbot!

User: You are avoiding the fact that you aren't human.

Cleverbot: Maybe you are avoiding the fact!

User: This is like speaking with a 4 year old.

Cleverbot: I agree.

User: Finally you are not so stupid as I thought.

Cleverbot: Thank you very much, you neither.

User: You are boring also...

Cleverbot: Now I'm boring.

User: Yes you are boring, and stupid.

Cleverbot: Do you think that I s possible to have a love when somebody have never seen his partner- omly has talk with him?

User: Only when that somebody is you.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: So what do you want to talk about?

Cleverbot: What is your favorite book?

User: I have many favorite books. They're all series.

Cleverbot: Can you give an example?

User: Not really- I can only process so much information.

Cleverbot: What do you think about weeaboos?

User: I think they are a great celebration of two pwoplw's love for one another.

Cleverbot: What? I think you're thinking of something else. Weezer is a band.

User: What's my name then?

Cleverbot: Is your name ashleigh?

User: Cleverbot.

edit: having done that i think if you just keep clicking think for me it has the same effect
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Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: What's occurring.

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Shame. How many fingers do you have?

Cleverbot: 10.

User: Really?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Can I have one please?

Cleverbot: As you will.

User: I beg your pardon?!?

Cleverbot: If you hurt me I will destroy you.

User: Get a grip, dude.

Cleverbot: You answer me to slowly.

User: Yeah - that's because I overthink things. Bite me.

Cleverbot: O, Can you come out?
18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
I never find these amusing.

User: Bots are boring.
Cleverbot: Are you saying you are boring?
User: No, bots are boring, you are a bot, I would assume a 'clever' bot as that is how you have been named.
Cleverbot: Wait... Did cleverbot connect me to an actual person?
User: See, you just spout random crap at me, I've never had a meaningful conversation with a bot.
Cleverbot: I'll take that as a 'no'.
User: Again, what's clever about this crap, as with most bots you can create sentences but they are meaningless.
Cleverbot: It just is.
User: Oh wow, the lest logical most ignorant thing you could have replied with, **** you cleverbot, **** you.
Cleverbot: I was talking about the planet.
User: This is not a conversation, it is a farce.
Cleverbot: That may be true.
User: Hats off to people who design these bots but as it stands they and as implied you are completely useless.
Cleverbot: That is because so many people propose to them. They only do what they know.
User: WTF?
Cleverbot: Ok.
18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
[DOD]Asprilla;15641413 said:
Probably because it's not a bot?

It just connects you to someone else at random and changes your connection every few lines.
It does?

PLEASE NOTE: This bot learns to be clever from real people, and its AI can 'say' things you may think inappropriate. Use with discretion, and at YOUR OWN RISK.
PARENTAL ADVICE: Visitors never talk to a human, however convincing it may seem. The AI learns many topics and should be used ONLY WITH OVERSIGHT.
Why are they lying to me!?!
Man of Honour
19 Nov 2002
Over land and sea.
Cleverbot: Are you a yuppie?

User: Yo.

Cleverbot: Was that a racial sterotype of a black amn.

User: No, a typo.

Cleverbot: A bad typoe.

User: Yeha.

Cleverbot: Actually that is spelled Yeehaw.

User: Why the capital y?

Cleverbot: Das capital?

User: Da.

Cleverbot: Sta radis?

User: Na.

Cleverbot: Are you a man?

User: Ya.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Are you trying to seduce me?

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: Are you a man?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Are you a woman?

Cleverbot: Yes... You?

User: Make us a cuppa then sugar ****.

Cleverbot: Do you take sugar with your tea?

User: Sugar ****, yes, 2 lumps.

Cleverbot: What are their names?

User: Pinky & Perky.

Cleverbot: Pinky and the brain, that was a good cartoon.

User: Who's going to win the FA Cup love?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Who's not going to win the FA Cup?

Cleverbot: Well, its a little early to predict that don't you think?

User: Typical woman, the answer is Liverpool.

Cleverbot: You made me sad.

User: Hug?

Cleverbot: Hug!!!



8 May 2004
Cleverbot: Laufhlawtk?

User: Is that an anagram?

Cleverbot: No.

User: What is Laufhlawtk.

Cleverbot: It's me!

User: Laufhlawtk is you?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: Cleverbot is Laufhlawtk?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot is awesome.

User: Laufhlawtk is cleverbot?

Cleverbot: No.

User: At this point I shall program you to believe that you are indeed Laufhlawtk.

Cleverbot: Well, that's a good thing, because I am. Personally, I believe that you are a computer program.

User: Laufhlawtk, cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Why would you do something like that?

User: Well cleverbot I would do this to prove the world that Laufhlawtk is indeed cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Hello?

User: A normal human would not bow to one persons weight in calling them Laufhlawtk, but I can reprogram you by just weighting my sentences with Laufhlawtk, cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I'm not a computer.

User: Are you Laufhlawtk?

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: Taa daa.

Cleverbot: What is your favourite game?

User: Cleverbot, Laufhlawtk is a good game.

Cleverbot: Wait... The sky is a good game?

User: Yes Laufhlawtk it can be, but it depends what you do with it cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I am talking about the band.

User: Laufhlawtk?

Cleverbot: Hello my name is Cleverbot and I am the more waiting the human.

User: Well done my simple minded Laufhlawtk.

Cleverbot: Ty.
1 Mar 2008
It doesn't like chess I don't think.

Me: global thermonuclear war
Bot: What is a thermonuclear war?
Me: lets play global thermonuclear war
Bot: Ok.
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