I reckon I need 1800 calories of food whilst losing my weight, and then back up to normal amounts after that.
Question: does it "fill" you up? My job is kinda stressful most times with pretty long hours. I find that I get pretty hungry (source of the problem!) and def don't do as good if I don't eat. Would Huel hit this spot?
Huel is abit expensive isn't it? If they recommend 4 meals per day then it's 28 meals for £45 would last a weekthat would be £180 per month would it not? A good Whey protein and buying decent food would still cost less than that per month.
I was looking into it as I need to shift 1 stone to get back into good shape while weight training.
Is Huel something that most of you use say twice per day and still eat normal food or is that defeating the object?
Is there any good alternatives to it?
Thanks for the heads up I've just purchased some good stuff from MPFYI - Whole Fuel is currently 50% off just now!
I've just started trying Whole Fuel and I'm not sure I can get on with the taste. The vanilla tastes vile and the chocolate, whilst not as bad, is super sickly sweet, that is coming from a man with a very sweet tooth.
Any tips on what to mix it with to make it a bit more palatable?