Huel: The Future of Food ..

18 Oct 2002
Coffee's a no-go for me, can't even stand the smell of the stuff, used to hate walking up the maths corridor back in the day when I worked at a college, the maths teachers would all be sat in there during breaks and lunch each with their little percolator things if anyone opened the staffroom door the smell would hit you like a hammer..

I tend to weigh once a week as I know I can easily fluctuate without really doing much, I'm away this weekend with work and was 95.4kg when I left the UK, I'll weigh myself again when I get home.

I am deffo overweight, which is probably why I vary so much, small changes in a week while working away will show pretty quickly, I'm not huge but when I look down, I cant see my, feet, anymore..

I did drop 10kg in 12 days in 2021, but that was Senegal and those malaria tablets are a killer, really threw my stomach out, I couldn't trust a fart for 2 weeks...

The last time I actually went on a proper weight loss kick was about 10 years ago, I started watching what I was eating a bit more and put a bit of exercise in, didn't have bread with every meal, didn't cut anything actually out, still had takeaways and fast food (not a huge fan of completely cutting things as cravings can stop some from getting the results they want) but just less actual food on the plate and I lost 2 stone and 4 inches off of my waist, but since then I've had back issues and a job where I was eating and drinking more just down to the toxic environment, I got up to near 110kg at one point so I'm good with mid 90's at the minute and the job actually being a nic place to work helps.

I might actually start weighing myself twice a day and sticking it on here as a record and just see how much I'm actually varying.
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1 Nov 2008
Every time I've successfully lost weight it's come back to the basics of burning more calories than I've been consuming, and keeping it consistent for multiple weeks.

Fast weight drops are when I quit drinking (500-1000 calories a day gone straight away, and sleep quality dramatically improves)
Intensive walking for an hour every day to try and maintain an average 130bpm heart rate for an hour (Another 500 calories gone every day)
The Huel allows me to have a low calorie lunch
Then a healthy meal in the evening loaded with lean meat, tons of veg and healthy carbs where possible or low fat chips if I need them.
I drink a ton of water.
The Huel at 12pm and dinner at about 7pm also effectively makes it a form of intermittent fasting.
I weight in daily, first thing in the morning after I pee, then I manage to get a nice chart like this!

Keeping it consistent is always the hardest part, especially when having to travel or I'm thrown out of my normal routine at home.

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28 Apr 2011
Barnet, London
I tend to weigh once a week as I know I can easily fluctuate without really doing much
I know we've mentioned it before in this thread, but for me this is a reason to weigh more often. Weigh two or three days running and take an average.
I might actually start weighing myself twice a day and sticking it on here as a record and just see how much I'm actually varying.
This would be interesting, but personally, I would just do it daily. First thing in the morning - wake, poop, weigh...
14 Sep 2007
Just had spaghetti carbonara hot huel for lunch, think it needs more than the recommended amount of water for the pasta and the 'meat' a bit on the rubbery side - not terrible, 6.5/10
18 Oct 2002
Carbonara Huel, WTAF?!?!
They had powdery drinks and a few meh meals the last time I tried them, although I do like the Chocolate ready drink..

Might have to drop some money on this then when I get back from holiday as no doubt I'll have a bit more weight to lose by the time I get back from my all-inclusive, with 2 friends who like a drink lol
18 Oct 2002
Yeah I had a look on the site last night when I got back to the hotel, there's a few flavours in there that would usually be on my list, but their ability to actually nail said flavours, without the traditional ingredients is what puts me off, I'd be looking at at least 3 bags, probably 4 so I have a few options during the week and then a bag of chocolate Black, seems its pretty easy to spend near £100 on there these days, especially if you want to try and balance it out so whatever you have lasts a month or at least the servings for everything all adds u so they all finish on the same day.
12 Apr 2010
New to Huel and have a few questions before I purchase:

1. What flavour of the Black Edition powders do people think are the nicest?
2. Are the Complete protein bars good?
3. Is the Hot and Savoury range worthwhile and taste good?

I have tried the Vanilla ready made drink and thought it tasted alright.
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18 Oct 2002
I should imagine a lot of that is based on personal tastes, if they've managed to nail the tastes, which I hope they have then I'll be getting some when I get back from holiday and make a bit more of an effort to at least eat better, then hopefully that'll knock on to the I'm fat thread lol
28 Oct 2003
New to Huel and have a few questions before I purchase:

1. What flavour of the Black Edition powders do people think are the nicest?
2. Are the Complete protein bars good?
3. Is the Hot and Savoury range worthwhile and taste good?

I have tried the Vanilla ready made drink and thought it tasted alright.

1. Just my favourites - Coffee Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Cinnamon Swirl but I am not bothering with those anymore as I prefer the Huel Complete Protein
2. The bars taste all right but I'm not sure they're really worth the expense when the liquid Complete Protein provides the same amount for less calories and is cheaper
3. The food is not bad either but I always found I got bored of it really quickly - one week of the stuff is enough for me - and it never really seems to "cook" properly, i.e. there will be crispy bits of pasta. And it does taste too artificial to my liking.
20 Dec 2004
I kinda rotate between Coffee Caramel, Chocolate, Strawberry black edition, 2 bags a month.

Occasionally use the hot n savoury for lunch, but tbh recently I tend to just have a big bowl of pasta and pesto for lunch. I'm either bouldering or at the gym every day, noticeably stronger in the evening when I've stuffed the carbs down at lunch.

4kg weight variation is pretty mad for a week, depends what you're eating and drinking though.

I can put on 3kg quite quickly by just drinking some alcohol, as I rarely have more than one glass of wine or small beer a week, any kind of drinking session is an instant bloat, that'll take the best part of a week to shift again.

I usually have :

2x scoops huel black for breakfast
1x cup pasta and green pesto for lunch
1x wholemeal pitta and hummus around 1530 before exercising
Gousto dinner (lots of veg).
Greek yoghurt and some fruit

I don't drink sugary drinks or eat any kind of snacks.

Every day I'm either bouldering for two hours, or around 90 minutes weights/swim/sauna.

This diet keeps my weight stable and strength improving. If I knock off the afternoon pitta I lose maybe .5kg a week.
12 Apr 2010
1. Just my favourites - Coffee Caramel, Cookies & Cream, Cinnamon Swirl but I am not bothering with those anymore as I prefer the Huel Complete Protein
2. The bars taste all right but I'm not sure they're really worth the expense when the liquid Complete Protein provides the same amount for less calories and is cheaper
3. The food is not bad either but I always found I got bored of it really quickly - one week of the stuff is enough for me - and it never really seems to "cook" properly, i.e. there will be crispy bits of pasta. And it does taste too artificial to my liking.

How comes your going fully to the Complete Protein? Would you mind explaining why?

I think I'm going to get a bag of Cookies and Cream and Variety box of the bars to get going with

How are people making up the Cookies and cream?
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14 Sep 2007
Actually tucking into Cajun Chicken hot n savoury right now, it's fairly decent, just have to put more water than they advise and leave it longer for pasta to soften, closer to 15 minutes than 5. I've had about 7 different flavours and the only one I dislike is the tomato and herb, just bland :(
28 Oct 2003
How comes your going fully to the Complete Protein? Would you mind explaining why?

Mainly because I'm not using it as meal replacement now. So instead of having 400kcals of Huel Black (40g protein) for dinner, I'll have something else like a chicken sandwich (400kcals + 30g protein) and supplement it with a drink of Huel Protein (105kcals + 20g protein). If I have just a liquid drink on its own for a meal, I get soooooo hungry an hour later.
12 Apr 2010
Weil it's been 2 days on 1 ready made shake each day and 3 days on 1 shake of cookies and cream black edition power with calorie counting for lunch and dinner per day and I've lost 6 pounds according to the scales, so not a bad start!

It's definitely making me more full so I haven't felt the need to snack much which is probably making the difference.

I had the strawberries and cream flavour for the first time this morning and it is very nice, using typical 2 scoops with water and a few ice cubes blended up. It is far sweeter in taste than the chocolate and the cookies and cream which is great if you have sweet tooth like I do ;).

Has anyone tried the Banana flavour? What did you think of it if so?
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