Human Centipede 2 Rejected by BBFC

22 Feb 2008
Human Centipede was actually very well made (directed) in my opinion. So much better than the horror coming out of the USA these days.


I think many who believe it's absolutely bottom-of-the-barrel stuff in terms of technical approach and performances haven't seen a whole lot of low-to-no budget horror flicks.
20 Jul 2008
Why would anyone want to watch this.

I'm glad it's banned.

I love horror films but this isn't horror it's just a complete joke about how raw and messed up one can make a film.
27 Mar 2004
BBFC have now given this an 18 rating after 2 minutes 37 seconds of cuts. Cuts include:

a man masturbating with sandpaper around his penis; graphic sight of a man's teeth being removed with a hammer; graphic sight of lips being stapled to naked buttocks; graphic sight of forced defecation into and around other people's mouths; a man with barbed wire wrapped around his penis raping a woman; a newborn baby being killed; graphic sight of injury as staples are torn away from individuals' mouth and buttocks.

Not worth watching now. I'm sure I'll get hold of the uncut version somehow! :)
21 Oct 2010
Why do people watch these kind of movies? Granted I haven't seen it so not sure exactly what it's like, but it sounds just gruesome for the sake of being gruesome. Not slating people for liking it, just curious.
14 Sep 2007
Why do people watch these kind of movies? Granted I haven't seen it so not sure exactly what it's like, but it sounds just gruesome for the sake of being gruesome. Not slating people for liking it, just curious.

Morbid curiosity, i'll admit straight away i'm guilty of it, same reason most of us slow down at a car accident to try and see "something".
14 Sep 2007
I hardly to the two are comparable.

It was a very base example but you follow my meaning...yes?

I love horror movies, probably because I had an a'hole of a stepdad who used to think it would be funny to show them to me when I was 4-6 years old, they used to terrify me.

However, as that was my early years, it embedded something in me that loves horror to this day. Most horror I find particularly boring and doesn't actually horrify. So when a movie comes along like this, I eagerly await it to see what reaction it provokes.

I like films that provoke an emotional reaction both good and bad, most films these days are by the numbers affairs where you can already see what's going to happen. This doesn't just apply to horror, all cinema is guilty of this.

FTR...i've watched A Serbian Film and it messed with my head pretty bad, it is a twisted movie with some extremely shocking moments. It is also however an extremely well crafted movie and has a lot more to it than just the shock moments. I won't go into it further, A Serbian Film has been discussed to death and I don't want to change anyones feelings about it.

All I will say in closing is that I really wish people would actually watch a movie before passing judgement, regardless of what they've heard, you can't objectively judge a film until you've seen it.
13 Feb 2003
Anyone else seen it yet?

I saw it last night and thought it was terrible, spoilers below...

I suppose they succeeded in creating a character that was about as ugly and twisted as they could, but it was probably taking things a bit too far. The other issue with him was that many of the other characters in the film were complete arses, which made you wonder whether we were actually supposed to be feeling sorry for him half the time. Given that he was raped by his Father, everyone treated him terribly and the weird Doctor wanted to do things to him, it kind of leaves you puzzled as I don't want to feel sorry for the guy.

There were many things that just made no sense to me:

- Since when did UK Car Parking attendants carry guns?

- He repeatedly kills people at his place of work, not once did any missing persons reports link it back to that they all went to that Garage?

- He kills the owner of the Warehouse... surely when reported missing, that would be one of the first places they would look.

- Why did they use fake visual effects of rain, it clearly wasn't raining and looked terrible.

- Even B-Movie actresses wouldn't expect to be picked up from the airport in a small workman's van, by a crazy looking guy who doesn't even talk.

The film just felt slow, it just took ages with him building up to making his Centipede, it was just full of unnecessary violence and disgusting images, purely just for the sake of it.

There was absolutely nothing to enjoy about this film.
14 Sep 2007
There were many things that just made no sense to me:

- Since when did UK Car Parking attendants carry guns?

- He repeatedly kills people at his place of work, not once did any missing persons reports link it back to that they all went to that Garage?

- He kills the owner of the Warehouse... surely when reported missing, that would be one of the first places they would look.

- Even B-Movie actresses wouldn't expect to be picked up from the airport in a small workman's van, by a crazy looking guy who doesn't even talk.

I'm not defending the movie at all as it was awful by comparison to a pretty solid first film, however...

the whole thing was twisted fantasy in his mind, he never actually acted upon any of it, therefore you can kind of explain away the bad plot holes in that way.
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