Human Centipede 2 Rejected by BBFC

17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
Well, I speak french for once, so you can f-off with the "you cannot speak english" insults. And HERE it is said exactly

the term would be 'I speak French for one' but that still has no bearing on whether you understand British-english colloquialisms or not. Like i said, I doubt it's language that's the problem here.

He named scenes in the movie, and include PAEDOPHILIA, I mean, do you have a problem with the word, you want a definition or something?

Just not sinking in is it?

Again, you're acting like the whole world have the same opinions, culture, in China, they eat dogs, cats and the life of an animal as no values whatsoever. In the UK, when an animal is cute, if you harm it, you're worse than a child molester,

Where did you get that idea from? worse than child molestation? that's preposterous, are you actually reading back the bile that you are typing?

if it's a bunch of rats set on fire (like a scene in Men Behind The Sun) no one cares. The value of life is measure by the cuteness of a creature. Sure I hate animal cruelty and I think T.F Mous went maybe too far with the cat scene, but for him and for is country, that scene was nothing.

and that's fine. I still wouldnt want it. I dont have to agree with something to understand that others might. I can only hope that other people value life in the ways that i do. IF they don't, C'est la vie - it doesn't really affect me either way.

You wouldn't know as you never watch it in the first place, the movie is very tame

I have seen it? he was talking about the first film, in case you can't understand that either. A film i have seen.

Now, maybe you can say this is wrong?

NEW GRUESOME Beheading from Mexican Drug Cartel of Fully Awake Man.....

It definitely is wrong and it's also against the forum rules. didnt you read those either when you signed up? wait, why am i suprised, of course you didnt. seems to be a common theme with you.

No swearing, posting of "adult" material, personal attacks or "trolling"
OcUK would like you and your whole family to learn and share via our forums. For this reason swearing and the posting of "adult" or offensive material is forbidden. Simply replacing some of the letters in a swearword with a * or any other character is not acceptable. If you must then please replace the whole word with ***** or other repeated character. We also expect members to behave respectfully and not launch personal or abusive attacks on other members. Those who post for the sole purpose of causing trouble are not welcome here and will be dealt with accordingly.

what you have posted is absolutely well over the line. get rid of it.
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12 Jul 2011
Oh, you don't understand at all when others don't have the same opinion, you clearly shown it many times in this thread, even saying yourself that Skyline said PAEDOPHILIA and you even said it yourself. Sorry, you cannot save your ignorant drivels about films you have not even seen.

I know he was talking about the first Human, can you please tell me which scene should be "cut" according to you mighty censor?

Furry fags like you are the first one to comment on animal cruelty videos with "This guy should be dismembered slowly bla bla bla..."

And please now try again to say that you never mention peadophilia in A Serbian Film...
27 Feb 2011
Oh, you don't understand at all when others don't have the same opinion, you clearly shown it many times in this thread, even saying yourself that Skyline said PAEDOPHILIA and you even said it yourself. Sorry, you cannot save your ignorant drivels about films you have not even seen.

I know he was talking about the first Human, can you please tell me which scene should be "cut" according to you mighty censor?

Furry fags like you are the first one to comment on animal cruelty videos with "This guy should be dismembered slowly bla bla bla..."

And please now try again to say that you never mention peadophilia in A Serbian Film...

I was the one that made an issue of animal cruelty, and if you read the thread you will see I am in favour of the more macabre films. Now take the execution video down, you really are not doing the cause for no censorship any good.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I was the one that made an issue of animal cruelty, and if you read the thread you will see I am in favour of the more macabre films. Now take the execution video down, you really are not doing the cause for no censorship any good.

Meh. He'll find himself censored by a mod, who he'll then personally insult for daring to censor him, then he'll get banned.

The end.
2 Dec 2005
Don't worry people, it's just a film. Your imagination generally fills in the disgusting bits :)

I like to imagine what it would be like working on the sets for some of these "extreme" movies. Probably a right laugh.

CensorCrap, you need to read the forum rules if you plan to stick around much longer. That link to the beheading video needs to go.

I'm all for lax censorship, but I can only guess that the BBFC banned this movie not to keep all you mature and free thinking adults from seeing it (which is a little tyrannical), but to avoid it getting into the hands of kids. Desensitisation to violence and extreme material in young people is a problem. Of course, they can find all manner of worse things on the internet, but the BBFC should still do their bit.

Indeed, any adult with an internet connection can still get their hands on whatever entertainment they want.

P.S. I looked at my fair share of "snuff" videos and other sickening stuff when I was younger (early secondary school). It's pretty unpleasant and I would guess most people grow out of it. Except for our enlightened Yankee friend here.
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7 Sep 2009
Are you insinuating that A Serbian Film is child porn?

It has a man raping a new born that he just delivered (the bit at which i turned it off in disgust - not shock or awe - but disgust that someone would want to act that out or put it in a film). I'd say that borders child porn. How could anyone possibly claim to have enjoyed a film containing that? And to give it the credibility of being called art because it supposedly set out to shock or push boundaries is pathetic.

'Censorcrap', enjoy your impending ban as well.
22 Feb 2008
It has a man raping a new born that he just delivered (the bit at which i turned it off in disgust - not shock or awe - but disgust that someone would want to act that out or put it in a film). I'd say that borders child porn. How could anyone possibly claim to have enjoyed a film containing that? And to give it the credibility of being called art because it supposedly set out to shock or push boundaries is pathetic.

'Censorcrap', enjoy your impending ban as well.

Yep, I've seen the film (as I've said earlier in the thread) in both the uncensored and censored forms.

Did I "enjoy" it? No. Did it "entertain" me? No.

Did it shock the living hell out of me? Yes it did.

And for that reaction (and the fact that in technical terms it's a very well made film!) I hold it much higher than those ready to dismiss it without actually seeing it.

I understand that many people don't want to feel repulsed, shocked, or morally challenged by cinema. That's fine - if you want to keep it safe, then fill your boots. I have no problem with that. Stick to your action flicks or rom-coms or whatever makes you feel good.

I do have a problem with being told that there's something mentally wrong with me because I would rather appreciate cinema that causes me to react that way.

Also, the issue recently brought up is that just because something has scenes depicting rape, paedophilia etc. doesn't mean it is guilty of displaying the reality. A Serbian Film may indeed contain a scene depicting the rape of a newborn, but to then call the film child porn is peurile nonsense, not to mention the beginning of a very slippery slope.

Some people here just don't seem to be able to grasp the difference between enjoying a film and appreciating the effect it has on you. They're entirely different things.
27 Feb 2011

Doesn't take a master of cinematography to work out that a scene depicting new born rape is going to repulse people, does it.

In my opinion, A Serbian Film is like the Transformers of sick films. It has little to no artistic merit and is badly acted and written. It was made in the knowledge that the depravity and following criticisms alone would make it bigger than it ever should have been. Where Transformers relies on the brand name, pretty women and special effects.

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

I usually fall for the banned films, generally if someone mentions something "bad", I'll watch it, but I don't think I could watch the Serbian film.

Especially being a father.

I'm disgusted at the thought of it all :mad:
22 Feb 2008
In my opinion, A Serbian Film is like the Transformers of sick films. It has little to no artistic merit and is badly acted and written. It was made in the knowledge that the depravity and following criticisms alone would make it bigger than it ever should have been. Where Transformers relies on the brand name, pretty women and special effects.

Mind you, it's nowhere near as boring as Transformers 3! :o:D
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