Originally posted by Shockwave
[ Washington has said Iraq is in "material breach" of a U.N. resolution ordering it to declare its weapons of mass destruction, and says it will take military action unless Iraq disarms.
I was under the impression that no direct evidence had been found by weapons inspectors that could support the US's assertion that I raq is in material breach of said conditions.
The dossier filed by Iraq provides no information that could support an allegation of such a "material breach".
I also believe that the UN is not in agreement with the US (and UK) as regards this matter either.
I would agree that there is a very good chance that Iraq is in breach, but without proper evidence and UN backing any attack by the US is an illegal act of aggression. I guess if Iraq was to strike back at the US after their attack then Iraq's actions would be called an "act of terror" or "terrorism" while the US's actions would be the "strike of justice"?
I thought that the US (well President G.W Bush) was intent on winning a war against terrorism, and that Osama Bin Laden was their primary target. They seem to have given up on this and decided that Saddam and Iraq make a very good target instead.
What do they think will be achieved this time that they could not manage last time ?
More people that fought for their country(ies) arriving home with strange symptoms, known as "Gulf war sysndrome" while the military enter a state of complete denial and refuse them the support they deserve ?
More people dying to remove a man put into power and armed by the Western world years ago when Iran was seen as the greatest threat ?
Why does the US, UK and the rest of the western world stand back and do nothing while Isreal targets unarmed Palestinians ?