Originally posted by SKILL
i dislike the country that america is turning into, it's even worse that the bloke who a huge majority of this country voted in is following bush like an idiot,
and the stupid thing is that i bet he wins the next elections by a huge majority again
Actually, IIRC, he didn't have a huge majority. He has a huge majority of
MP's but not the electorate.
Two points. Firstly, the turnout was the lowest in recent memory with (from memory) about 45% of electors not bothering to vote. So those that actually voted are not much more than half the electorate.
Even out of the remaining 55% (ish), other parties took a fair few votes. If, for example, the results in a given election were :
Labour 10,000
Cons 9,999
LibDem 9,999
that would be a Labour seat in the house despite the fact that 66% of the voters in that election voted for someone else. That
could apply in every seat in the land, though clearly it didn't. The makeup of the House of Commons does
not necessarily reflect the opinion of the people at all.
Labour got in with, IIRC, about 30% of the vote of qualified voters, partly because a lot of people didn't vote and partly because of the nature of the system.
They have a mandate from the people, but only because the system doesn't actually reflect the will of the people.
Caveats to the above comments :-
1) The figures given are from memory and are approximate. They illustrate the point but if anyone cares to do the research, there will no doubt be inaccuracies.
2) The will of the people who DIDN'T vote may well have been to support Blair, so the fact that they didn't vote cannot be taken as opposition to Blair - simply that we don't know how they would have voted.