Hunt: Showdown (Crytek)

Thanks guys. I've been watching it since the start (actually, just noticed it was me who started this thread lol), but lack of a decent rig meant I eventually steered clear. Now I can play it though, my interest has been rekindled.
If anyone is down for duos or trios, send over or post your steam names and I'll add you up. Probably my fave game at the moment but often struggle to get friends to play.
Free weekend this weekend.
Free weekend live now :) I recommend anyone give it a go. It's a very cool game and the visuals and atmosphere are excellent, as well as the gunplay.
Anyone still playing this? I'm interested in the all the new features (new engine) they're bringing to it. Direct storage even!!
I still dabble in Hunt. Biggest issue with the game for me is that there’s a very small pool of casual players active in the community, the majority having hundreds upon hundreds - if not thousands - of hours. Whilst this isn’t unique to Hunt, the gameplay of Hunt makes it incredibly punishing for the less experienced player, be it for weapon mechanics, shooting mechanics, throwing mechanics or map knowledge. This makes the game often times very difficult to enjoy.

However I also think it’s one of the best MP games made in recent years.
Outstanding game. I don't know of any other game where sound is so important, it's just a completely different experience to anything out there.

10 out of 10 for me and comfortably one of the best games I've ever played.
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Bit rusty having not played for ages but jumped on solo last night, won a soul survivor game then immediately after solo'd versus trios and got a win with 4 kills.

Then mate came on and although we only got one bounty in a few hours, we had both had at least 3 kills on each game.

I think we might be stuck in 3 star scrub tier atm :D
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I stopped playing solo when my games started bouncing between win/lose every map. Really enjoy duo's though although the mate I play with carries me greatly :D
Getting in to the MMR 5 matches ruined the game for me, getting matched against people with thousands of hours in the game, I just can’t compete. I don’t have the map knowledge required, and this game relies more so on knowing the layout of buildings than gun play imo.
Getting in to the MMR 5 matches ruined the game for me, getting matched against people with thousands of hours in the game, I just can’t compete. I don’t have the map knowledge required, and this game relies more so on knowing the layout of buildings than gun play imo.
Luckily I'm never going to see MMR5 with my play - although I have occasional moments of greatness, I have no consistency.

I watch a lot of Ratcha Z and his map knowledge is insane, knows exactly where people are in buildings and where he can wall bang, he's disgusting.
3 star lobbies provide objectively superior gameplay to 5 star lobbies where it's just a necrofest with bush campers etc

You also get a much larger variety of playstyles in 3 star, it's just way more fun. I also find skill level isn't even that much higher in 5 star, it's just people play way more cautiously and really value their K/D whereas in 3 or 4 star you get lots of people who will go Yolo rather than playing super cautiously.
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3 star lobbies provide objectively superior gameplay to 5 star lobbies where it's just a necrofest with bush campers etc

You also get a much larger variety of playstyles in 3 star, it's just way more fun. I also find skill level isn't even that much higher in 5 star, it's just people play way more cautiously and really value their K/D whereas in 3 or 4 star you get lots of people who will go Yolo rather than playing super cautiously.
Thanks for making @SixTwoSix feel better xD
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