Hyundai i30N

Car Throttle did a little piece on it and they seem to like it. Sounds good and the interior looks alright to me. Not bad in black either.

the one i saw is the blue as shown on Google, but that black looks much better.
the exhaust is quiet in normal mode, but switch to N Mode and it sounds just like that.
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Have many of the nay sayers in this thread actually sat in a new Kia or Hyundai, there's nothing to call between them inside than any Ford, Toyota or equivalent. Also their 2nd hand prices are just as strong as any of the other marques in the same end of the market.

It's just like people were about Skodas 10-15 years ago 'Lol skoda you're having a laugh mate! It'll be worth 20p and no one will ever get over the image!' and look at them now.

totally agree with your view.
even kia/hyundai come well equipped compared to established rivals (ie. fords)
Why do all cars make that fart sound now on gear shifts. Does it have any benefit or is it just trying to trick people into thinking it has antilag?
It's probably aimed at younger drivers, some think its cool. I think it sounds like a wet fart, actual turbo noises would be better IMHO. :p








photos are rubbish, the free image hosting compresses them a hell of a lot....... the dealership is in a right mess, lots of building work going on, i was on my own they had quite a few customers inside...... man it was cold !

it looks better than the last time i saw it and although it's plain Jane, it actually looks pretty good

the top photo is closest to its true colour
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photos are rubbish, the free image hosting compresses them a hell of a lot....... the dealership is in a right mess, lots of building work going on, i was on my own they had quite a few customers inside...... man it was cold !

it looks better than the last time i saw it and although it's plain Jane, it actually looks pretty good

So you've put a deposit down then? :D
is this the third brake light? looks good in a triangle shape.
yes i think so, the roof spoiler is quite large; but the rest of the car unlike the Type R is totally understated.............until of course you hear the exhaust in N Mode.

lol, good one

He'll just be annoying his local dealer for the next 6 months talking about buying one and visiting every weekend and then purchase a £500 Kia Picanto or something.

LOL........... i dont think the Hyundai dealers care much about the car because it hasn't moved in 3 days, it's just sitting there getting covered in concrete dust from all the building work going on.............but they're much busier than Hondas though !

the I30N is based on this below :-

but there is a rumour that this RN30 might be coming out too, all i know is there are supposed to be two more``Ns`` being released soon and one of these will be the i20N............ This RN30 looks awesome, but my guess is they wont do anything until they see how well the i30N does and it'll probably be tamed down as well..............lets hope it isn't, after all, Honda dont care what their cars look like so why should Hyundai !!!

it's interesting to note that the Yanks love the Type R much more than we do.............uuumm
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How long are we gonna hafta read about you dreaming about this car before you move on to the next one?

Not sure but my finger is itching on the thread ban button :)

While most of us like looking at cars (whether we can afford them or not), normal people draw a line and move on instead of fantasizing constantly.
I wouldn't ban him but rather tell him to start his own thread for his musings rather than spam every other thread full of it. Actually that's a good idea, @Mal X why not start your own thread where you can discuss any car you want at length, keep everyone happy :)
I wouldn't ban him but rather tell him to start his own thread for his musings rather than spam every other thread full of it. Actually that's a good idea, @Mal X why not start your own thread where you can discuss any car you want at length, keep everyone happy :)

actually this is my thread who opened it ? and you cant ban someone for posting in on other threads (which every member does) unless he starts insulting others of course.
as for opening a ``Mal X and his fantasy car thread``'d have to let the thread get trolled without deleting it, because it definitely will.
Mal X do you have a car at the moment and are looking to change or is this just like an information thread for this model?
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