Hyundai W241D-PVA

I ordered it earlier aswell :) Is it really good guys? ...Only asking because I just dropped £470 on this (including delivery ;))
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I've connected via component for you:

(click for larger)

Set it to 720p before disconnecting from my HDTV, just in case it wouldn't accept 1080p:

720p in 1:1 pixel mapping:

After 1080p has been set - works perfectly! :

As you can see.... connected via component :):
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Very nice crowhorse :) ..I read that W240D review and the reviewer said its an excellent monitor but the image quality is sub average...Is it the same with the W241D-PVA...I wont even know till christmas day :( not allowed to open it.
Very nice crowhorse :) ..I read that W240D review and the reviewer said its an excellent monitor but the image quality is sub average...Is it the same with the W241D-PVA...I wont even know till christmas day :( not allowed to open it.

The image quality is better than my Dell 3007WFP Rev. A04 (the last one pre-HC)

It's the same panel used in the samsung 245b, but with decreased response time, increased brightness, more inputs, plus a nicer looking and more adjustable bezel :)

The only thing I don't like about it are the buttons on the front.... they really should have been backlit... as it is atm - with my room light on and the monitor on.... I can see the power LED and that's it - the buttons are invisible. I suppose in one respect that's nice... because they're far from obtrusive during normal use as you just can't see them.... but if you need to adjust something or change input - it's a little frustrating.
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Oh yeah...Has anyone properly tested out the speakers on the monitor? I'm gonna be using them because my 5.1 system is are they any good?
Oh yeah...Has anyone properly tested out the speakers on the monitor? I'm gonna be using them because my 5.1 system is are they any good?

Meant to comment on that after playing PGR4. They're terrible!

But then all speakers built in to monitors are.

They're very tinny and absolutely no bass on them what-so-ever.

Granted I'm used to Logitech Z5500s... but if you want sound I would recommend even picking up a pair of 20 quid satellites over using the in-built speakers.
Well... there are 5 component connectors... three of them are video and two are audio... the red/green/blue connectors are the videos ones and the red/white (also attached to the unused yellow) are for the audio.

It's quite easy to get ahold of an RCA->3.5mm jack converter cables... I know most logitech speakers come with them. When you get one of these you can just plug the standard speaker cable into the red/white RCA plugs on the x360 lead and bingo... audio through the speakers :)

Or... you could get a speaker set which accepts optical input and just take an optical cable from your 360 to that.
I just got my W241D-PVA, no dead pixels, very happy!

This monitor is better than my old Dell 2407, and any review which says it isn't is talking rubbish.

This is my 2nd monitor after the W240D incident described earlier in this thread! Glad I stuck with it though.

I just found a stuck blue pixel.... grrr!

It's in a very hard to see place and it's not 'bright' blue so can only be seen on a black backgroun (have cycled through other colours to check).... I think I can live with it.
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