Hyundai W241D-PVA

How would I get these speakers I just ordered to work on my W241D? (Gonna be using this monitor with my 360) Is there Orange,Black and Green connections on the monitor?

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This is not sounding to good anymore - lot's of people with problems with their monitors :(

ONFIRE: I'm sorry but I don't know about all those connectors. The monitor has only a single headphone jack type connector for speakers as far as i could tell. So one of those three colored wires would fit. Sorry i can't really help.
Hello, I'm interested in buying W241D. Previously Samsung 245T was my choice (I waited almost 1 year for it), but inverse ghosting scared me completely. No way of paying so much for faulty monitor.

Does anyone observe inverse ghosting with W241D? It has the same panel as Samsung 245T, Dell FPW2407-HC, Gateway FP2485W (all of them suffer from this issue) :(

Here is info about inverse ghosting, with some video showing the effect:

Can anyone with W241D confirm this issue is not present, please ?

Thank you
One of you with the W240 or W241 should do a video review and stick it on youtube :) That Tiger Direct one is crap..I need something to keep me going till xmas day (My monitor is sitting right next to me but i'm not allowed to open the bugger)
Anymore experiences regarding this monitor?

I'm very interested in buying one.

Has anyone connected a laptop using HDMI?
Here is a link to an ingame video with COD4 and the W241D. Though the quality is bad, I can't see any ghosting. Makes a good impression on me.
Anyway, I hope that someone else also will make an ingame movie, but with better quality. ;)

Is there any input-lag with the monitor?
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Looks like my W241D has packed up today

Turned pc on as usuall, monitor shows blue light but get nothing on screen

Tried 360 through VGA and the same thing happens


I have a view sonic 19" vx something or other (got a long time ago) baddass said it is one of the best 19"s for responec time, when i move the mouse around fast i get ghosts. Why do people complain about it so much? it happens on all screens. Though i dont get the black shadow of the HC videos.
when i move the mouse around fast i get ghosts. Why do people complain about it so much? it happens on all screens.

Today, ghosting is acceptable for all panels type. But manufacturers are doing everything just for writing on the box 6ms instead of 8ms :( They've invented overdrive technology, which was supposed to decrease the ghosting. Unfortunately Samsung has gone too far and their newest S-PVA 24'' panel has faulty overdrive algorithm that is introducing severe inverse ghosting instead of reducing ghosting. Inverse ghosting is much more visible :( Here
you can see how bad overdrive is with Samsung 245T. It's their flag monitor, how could they do that ! :confused: .

Fortunately overdrive algorithm could be turned off or could be implemented properly by Hyundai. Once again I'm requesting if someone can find out, how W241D is performing regarding inverse ghosting.

ordered 3pm Friday and it arrived 8:30am today ,,, nice

In the short time i have had it up and running i can safely say its superb, although going from a 17"CRT i suppose anything would seem that way. Plugged it all straight in, turned it on and haven't changed anything on it yet, setting wise, as it seems perfect the way it is. How i survived gaming without one of these babies baffles me now, its like a new lease of life with what i can only assess as perfect picture quality even in fast paced games like UT3 , BF2142 and TF2.

Well, I finally broke down and ordered mine. I got the one without the USB as a last minute change, I figured I didn't really need it, plus that meant I got the one still on offer :D

It's AWSOME!!! Really really really nice! So far no problems (other than a weird blue distortion that happened once, so i restarted it and its ok). I don't want to Jinx it, but so far so good :)

Can't wait now for xmas, put my 360 on it :D
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