I did the right thing, didn't I?

I know it's been said before... but you did the right thing! Dump the **** hole and move on. Or purchase a gun and kill him or something. Whatever :p

But yeah, guys like that dont deserve a real relationship. Not really.
megzy said:
Probably doesn't help that I'm wearing it now :D

Thanks Neon :)

Go out with friends. get merry. enjoy the good times. forget about him if you can.. if you can also forget about the items you left if you dont wanna talk to him.
krooton said:
I don't plan have to have children, neither does my gf.

Having someone to share your experiences with is awesome, and the sex on tape thing kinda rocks too ;)

Corrected. :D
MiGSY said:
He was only using you for one thing? Heh, well isn't that what ultimately every relationship is about?

I mean, at the end of the day that's all it boils down to - satisfying your natural instinct to reproduce.

All of this 'love' and 'caring' for people, it's all just a creation of your subconscious to help ensure the continuation of the human race.

:rolleyes: so how old are you then?

Realtionships are about finding a partner who shows mutual respect and understanding. Without these two things, love can not grow or blossom.

Megzy is only 16 and she has plenty of years to gain the life experiance to cope with future relationships. She'll have plenty more upsets in the future that will make her stronger as a person and to spot idiots with aptitudes like yours.

Admiral Huddy said:
:rolleyes: so how old are you then?

Realtionships are about finding a partner who shows mutual respect and understanding. Without these two things, love can not grow or blossom.

Megzy is only 16 and she has plenty of years to gain the life experiance to cope with future relationships. She'll have plenty more upsets in the future that will make her stronger as a person and to spot idiots with aptitudes like yours.


Like it or not I'm afraid it's the truth.
At the end of the day, don't go out with a lad because he looks nice, has a "nice personality", has car money and all the rest of it. Physical attributes to a partner can soon wear off, when you realise their personality's attributes.

The age gap is not a problem, provided you can both accept each other for what you are. Me and my partner have around 8.5 between us - me being the younger of us. We've been together for five years, and still ticking over. :cool:

Get your stuff - if you can't get, and you really want get the police involved if need be. Otherwise, just call it a lesson learnt.

Just because a lad pokes your fire for a few months, it doesn't mean to say you're in love. Love is so much more than sex. It's about appreciating one-another, doing things together, being able to talk to each and love each other - and so much more! :)
sod your things, you can get new ones, just get this git out your life!

Plus, in the future dont have sex with someone so quickly.....you will find out if they are keepers better that way.

Ive been with the missus for 5 months and we havent done it yet and wont for a long time.
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Confusion said:
sod your things, you can get new ones, just get this git out your life!

Plus, in the future dont have sex with someone so quickly.....you will find out if they are keepers better that way.

Ive been with the missus for 5 months and we havent done it yet and wont for a long time.

ah but hen you're of a certain age and have had a bit you generally turn into a horny little ***** and sex is a natural thing to do. As long as it doesnt turn the relationship into a more physical than emotional one there's no problem.
helpimcrap said:
unfortunately you fell for another of lifes losers.

write the stuff off and keep legs closed for a few months into a relationship at least. if he loves you he'll wait.

either that or im too old fashioned - i'm only 25 as well. :eek:

sorry if thats harsh..

No you're not too old.
I'm 23 and go by the 3 month rule- the number of ***** that try and sleep with you in the first few days is discusting....
Besides which, waiting makes the lust reach incredible levels making the first act truely amazing.
Yes you did the right thing. He sounds like a nasty piece of work. Buy new shoes or ask one of his friends to collect the stuff from him for you. Don't go out with any of his mates, i know you didn't say you were going to but sometimes it seems like a good idea.
16-24 is a huge age gap in the case of your percieved maturity level. Why not try being single for a while, moving from one relationship straight to another is not always in your best interests.
Give it some time and someone that deserves you will come along. :)
Blackstar said:
Yes you did the right thing. He sounds like a nasty piece of work. Buy new shoes or ask one of his friends to collect the stuff from him for you. Don't go out with any of his mates, i know you didn't say you were going to but sometimes it seems like a good idea.
16-24 is a huge age gap in the case of your percieved maturity level. Why not try being single for a while, moving from one relationship straight to another is not always in your best interests.
Give it some time and someone that deserves you will come along. :)

wise words. btw blackstar where have you been hidin'?
You've already had some good advice here, so I hope you take it. Life shouldn't be about always being in a relationship, and you really should take some time to yourself.
If he still lives with his parents, then I'd suggest calling them and asking if they can get your clothes back to you.
You've done the right thing, you don't need a lad like that.

On the other thing, personally I would say 16 and 24 is too big a difference, they're an adult and you're just a child, and I would be dubious about the motives of any 24 year old who was into 16 year olds.
loopstah said:
You've done the right thing, you don't need a lad like that.

On the other thing, personally I would say 16 and 24 is too big a difference, they're an adult and you're just a child, and I would be dubious about the motives of any 24 year old who was into 16 year olds.


I'm 24 and there is no way I would go out with a 16yr old..
It would feel wrong..

However my mate is 26 and seeing a 18yr old.. and things are going great for him..
16 is only a child though.. and 24yr old is old enough to recognise that.
Suppose at the end of the day it lies in the person in question's opinion on the matter.

As for the gettin rid of the guy thing.. you done the right thing.
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