I don't really know what I'm doing!! Play along!!

do a userbenchmark.


lets see this baby run!
Dude, I really do know very little, but userbenchmark is effectively ‘click bait’ nonsense...

It’s fun to benchmark new stuff, and if someone wants to tell me what to tweak and how, I’ll publish benchmarks before and after of course.

From my really limited knowledge, the only CPU bench worth doing right now is Cinebench, the only GPU bench’s worth doing are the unigene ones, and then I’m open to suggestions on stress tests...

Edit: I think that sounded rude!! Honestly not meant that way, just that I read that there are far better benchmarks.
Happy to chuck some benchmarks around if people are genuinely interested.
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How are you finding the Razer keyboard and mouse? I'm really stuck on choosing peripherals.
Right... first to admit that this is shocking posting when I haven’t seen the video... but...


Before watching, my vote is absolutely going Razer’s way, but I’m posting from the train and I’ve no idea what’s said in the video.
I think we all generally trust young Linus, so I’ll have a butchers when I get in and let you know whether I’m chucking yet more money at this rig!!!

Oh, also worth saying, OcUK did get back to me about the PSU, and have sorted free return postage and will refund when they receive it. As always, fair play to OcUK customer service.

Still, if they want to sling some sort of Noble chair discount this way, I’ll happily take all the snazzy ‘look at this setup’ type photos Twitter can handle!! (Neither of my two followers will care, but viewers of this thread might... eh @fiveub ??)

Edit: Matt, this video is only 'mid range' keyboards, and I'd like to think the 'Blackwidow Elite' is considered 'high end', so maybe just seek specific reviews for that.
If you're looking for user experience, then I can certainly tell you I think it's absolutely brilliant.
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Weren't the RM units one of the worst designed and released by Corsair? The HX was superior in every way.
This was 3/4 years ago though so it might have changed but IIRC, the internals weren't the same between them and the RM units were a bad choice.

I had an rm850 and it shot sparks out every time I turned it on. Still worked though, just had a burn risk if you stood near the fan :p.

Had it replaced with a hx850 and that has ran solid since.
I had an rm850 and it shot sparks out every time I turned it on. Still worked though, just had a burn risk if you stood near the fan :p.

Had it replaced with a hx850 and that has ran solid since.

I've had the hx850 for about 4 years now, was 2nd hand before. Cannot fault it in the slightest.
Right... first to admit that this is shocking posting when I haven’t seen the video... but...


Before watching, my vote is absolutely going Razer’s way, but I’m posting from the train and I’ve no idea what’s said in the video.
I think we all generally trust young Linus, so I’ll have a butchers when I get in and let you know whether I’m chucking yet more money at this rig!!!

Oh, also worth saying, OcUK did get back to me about the PSU, and have sorted free return postage and will refund when they receive it. As always, fair play to OcUK customer service.

Still, if they want to sling some sort of Noble chair discount this way, I’ll happily take all the snazzy ‘look at this setup’ type photos Twitter can handle!! (Neither of my two followers will care, but viewers of this thread might... eh @fiveub ??)

Edit: Matt, this video is only 'mid range' keyboards, and I'd like to think the 'Blackwidow Elite' is considered 'high end', so maybe just seek specific reviews for that.
If you're looking for user experience, then I can certainly tell you I think it's absolutely brilliant.

Nice thanks for that! sorry didn't get a notification about this reply for some reason.

Oddly I had just watched that video Linus did when it was released. I'd also consider Razor stuff high end. :D
Just by way of an update... ordered some Cablemod cables to get rid of the terrible cables that come with the PSU.

Pics when done.

Still need to find a solution to the really ugly and big USB 3.0 case cable.
I have found a right angle adapter which would really help, but it’s bright blue!! Which kinda isn’t the point!!

also need to find an adapter or extension for the case audio cables...

Oh, and I need to decide on a chair...

Bought a large OcUK mouse mat too. Was tempted by the large Razer mat, but it’s just an extra cable on the desk that I’m trying to keep as clean as possible.

Could still go that way though...
Cheers for the heads up on that. I’ll see how these new cables look, and then I may go for the right angled 24 pin too...

I have one and it looked good. You can see it here along side one of those blue right-angle USB adapters:


Of course, now my PC is in a cupboard so the looks are less important.
I’ve ordered a couple of right angled USB adapters, I’ll see if I can blacken them somehow...

also found a black, braised case audio extension too...

At this rate I’m going to run out of things to do to it and I’ll end up bloody using it! Where’s the fun in that?!
I’ve ordered a couple of right angled USB adapters, I’ll see if I can blacken them somehow...

also found a black, braised case audio extension too...

At this rate I’m going to run out of things to do to it and I’ll end up bloody using it! Where’s the fun in that?!

Oh no the perals haha then it's time to start planning upgrades. :D
First to admit, it doesn't photographs well (crap photographer, old iPhone and crap lighting don't help!!), but I'm really happy with it.

From this...


To this...


Added bonus... In faffing about I seem to have eliminated the slight and occasional vibration that something (no idea what?!) was causing when the graphics card span up (thumbs up emoji).

Benchmarked everything again, just to check temperatures etc, Neither CPU not GPU reach 70 degrees...

I'm happy!!!

Think I'm finally out of things to do with it though...
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