I got me 3D printer, awesome!

I'm guessing he wants it in black? I might be able to do it in black as I have some 3mm laying around or I have green PLA or blue/purple ABS in 1.75mm, which is the hot end i have in the printer at the moment.

Whatever is easiest for you matey, don't think he minds too much.

What would you recommend out of interest?

Oh and how much to cover time and materials?
Well PLA is the more common material for printing and is easier to print with so from my point of view I would pick that.

ABS is stronger and more flexible but can de-laminate and curl up.

Tell you what let me get it printed and ready to send and just give me what it costs to cover postage.

Does he need it soon?

Okay, sounds like a plan - PLA it is. Whenever you have a moment, he's building the quad at the moment so still sourcing parts and whathaveyou.

Really appreciate it, many thanks!
First review mate, same company as the sample place but they do 1kg spools. As OcUK sell filament I shouldn't really give you the direct link. But the very first link in my first review is where you want to go.

First review mate, same company as the sample place but they do 1kg spools. As OcUK sell filament I shouldn't really give you the direct link. But the very first link in my first review is where you want to go.


;) I wish OCUK would start selling UV\Flexi filaments...CHEAP :)
Okay, sounds like a plan - PLA it is. Whenever you have a moment, he's building the quad at the moment so still sourcing parts and whathaveyou.

Really appreciate it, many thanks!

OK I've printed a few bit of this and I'm not sure if my printer is playing up or the model is not quite right. Some of the bits I did have a problem with but they are all usable however the aren't as nice as I would like, I don't have the time to reprint or inspected the model just now.

Would you like me to continue with the printing and just send them as they are or would your friend prefer to have them perfect? Does he have the FPV parts that this model uses or is he going to modify the mounts?

Anyway let me no if you want me to continue and we'll go from there, If I have time I'll get some pictures up.



OK on this picture you can see part of the print is misaligned, if this were my printer you would aspect to see the same on the other side however it is not there?


The other parts I have printed, lifted a bit while printing but this hasn't warped them to much.

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From the link above, but yes Thingiverse. I think i'm going to start using netfabb as part of my work flow.


New review on my blog this time NinjaFlex SemiFlex.


Great review :)

I use online netfabb because in the long run it saves time and money. I got a nice vase of ThingsV
but it had loads of mistakes. Netfabb put it right which is good as it's going to take 14 hours to print :eek:

I've got a extruder coming soon just for Ninjaflex. Can't wait as I've got loads of stuff to print with ninja.
OK I've printed a few bit of this and I'm not sure if my printer is playing up or the model is not quite right. Some of the bits I did have a problem with but they are all usable however the aren't as nice as I would like, I don't have the time to reprint or inspected the model just now.

Would you like me to continue with the printing and just send them as they are or would your friend prefer to have them perfect? Does he have the FPV parts that this model uses or is he going to modify the mounts?

Anyway let me no if you want me to continue and we'll go from there, If I have time I'll get some pictures up.



OK on this picture you can see part of the print is misaligned, if this were my printer you would aspect to see the same on the other side however it is not there?

The other parts I have printed, lifted a bit while printing but this hasn't warped them to much.

Totally your call bud, I'll defer to your infinitely greater knowledge than mine on this topic. Do you think the misalignment or warping will impact the usage of it that much? If not, just go with what you've got. Really don't want you burning filament for a postage cost job!

Thanks again!
Just had a chat with him and he reckons what you've got is absolutely fine, the misalignment won't make any difference at all. Crack on. :)
Now printing the last part :-), will let you no when its all done. (probably trw as I'll be off to work soon)


Send me a message via trust with postal address and I'll get a price for postage and let you no.

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