I got me 3D printer, awesome!

It depends on many factors, if you've already decided that it does what you want then go for it. What's it going to be used for out of interest?

To be honest these mass produced printers are all largely the same.

3D Printing Reviews: Filament Review #9 Fillamentum 1.75mm "Rosewood" Timberfill, Link.

Now in the process of calibrating my dual extruder upgrade :-).
It depends on many factors, if you've already decided that it does what you want then go for it. What's it going to be used for out of interest?

To be honest these mass produced printers are all largely the same.


Scaffolding for flexible PCBs and antenna arrays... when you say largely all the same, is that meant to be good or bad?
What I mean is for the most part they are the same, ie print quality, machine quality, print volume etc.

Where Ultimaker may have a lead is in customer support and the availability of spare parts.

What I mean is for the most part they are the same, ie print quality, machine quality, print volume etc.

Where Ultimaker may have a lead is in customer support and the availability of spare parts.


But you've still not said whether the quality is good or not at that price point for an fdm machine. Claimed resolution achievable with the ultimate 2 seems to be pretty good compared to other machines you can actually buy.
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Quality has more to do with nozzle size, layer height and calibration of the printer. But having good hardware to start with is a must.

I would have thought it goes without saying that at that price point the quality is great.


Send me a message via trust with postal address and I'll get a price for postage and let you no.


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Fruits of your work installed and working brilliantly! :) Many thanks once again james, can't thank you enough for sorting this out!
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Fruits of your work installed and working brilliantly! :) Many thanks once again james, can't thank you enough for sorting this out!

Nice :-). Your welcome, glad it came out good for your friend.
I've got a Ciclop 3D Scanner kit coming tomorrow. The only thing I want to do is change the red lasers for green ones :)
I've got an Xbox Kinect I got off ebay to do 3D scanning and never got round to doing anything about it, now I have my blog going I might look into it again.

Keep us posted on your set-up Deuse.

I've got an Xbox Kinect I got off ebay to do 3D scanning and never got round to doing anything about it, now I have my blog going I might look into it again.

Keep us posted on your set-up Deuse.


Kinect V2 is good for peoples faces\bodies, well anything 3-6ft away. But crap for close up. I.E small stuff.

And now I have to learn Mesh lab and cloud :(
How is the scanner or is that a weekend Test :-)

I'm having a lot of fun so far :D
Well that's if you like changing lots of settings and re-scanning?

I'm just printing some more laser holders as I've got a cunning plan :D
It's not WYSIWYG by a mile. This and the Kinect V2 are good, but you still need to use Mesh Lab\Cloud.
Just got a Ultimaker 2 mmmm nice kit .... @Yes already had fun with the feeder but its working ok now ...

Had hot end close and caused a back log ...... but all good now .. tho some nice prints now :-)
Down side is I need to create my own cover .. unlike my Wanhao that comes full enclosed this one does not .. so not even started to play with ABS as I know I am asking for fun till that's done

but its quite and looks super and a much bigger build plate
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