I got me 3D printer, awesome!

mmmmm so have to wait and see what you been up to mmmm

I now have some ABS to print on my X4 so my build can go on .. Just started a nice long print tho worried as is close to the edge and might lift :-( but one way to find out
3D Printing Reviews: 3D Printed Project #1 - Star-Lord's Element Gun Part 1 ft. Floreon 3D & My Mini Factory - http://3d-printing-reviews.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/3d-printed-project-1-star-lords-element.html


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New blog post,

3D Printing Reviews: Filament Review #16 - EUMAKERS PLA - Here


Also my first blog post since switching over to Simplify3D. I'm very happy with my purchase, still a few tweaks needed but much much better than before.

Si how do you find it . I had a play on a mater and I liked how the supports you can remove / place then where you like .. now they have v3 out looks like more things added
Just done these for a friend.
These was done on medium and 12 hours to make :) The predator is 7 inches in length.

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18hr is not that long ..

Just start it with some time before to watch it start so you know its started ok and working through the the night. Hope your printer is quite

Just done these for a friend.
These was done on medium and 12 hours to make :) The predator is 7 inches in length.


They look awesome deuse, what speed, infill etc like on them?

I like to keep an eye on my printer to, but longer prints are they way forward with my Octopi set up I have a camera set up so I can always take a look when I'm away.

I'm loving simplify3D just go to learn what all the settings do and play around.

They look awesome deuse, what speed, infill etc like on them?

I like to keep an eye on my printer to, but longer prints are they way forward with my Octopi set up I have a camera set up so I can always take a look when I'm away.

I'm loving simplify3D just go to learn what all the settings do and play around.


Thanks dude.
In simplify3d I use medium and 10% in fill. I don't touch anything else just my printers profile.
Would anyone here be able to help me out. I've got a small test piece to print to see if a couple of ideas will work and I really don't like the idea of paying the £7.50 or so postage from Shapeways for something they'll charge £3.50 to actually print.

Its 72x19x8.2mm and 2.3089cm³ (According to shapeways) will happily cover material cost/time/postage
Would anyone here be able to help me out. I've got a small test piece to print to see if a couple of ideas will work and I really don't like the idea of paying the £7.50 or so postage from Shapeways for something they'll charge £3.50 to actually print.

Its 72x19x8.2mm and 2.3089cm³ (According to shapeways) will happily cover material cost/time/postage

You got the stl file? has it been through netfabb(or something like that) to see if all is ok?
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