Looks good, driving me nuts at the moment though.
Had levelling problems last night which were all over the place, one print was perfect the next terrible. Adjusting the stop was giving me all sorts of weirdness, sometimes the head would move down as expected then on the next increment it would be 5mm off.
So I rage quit on the Z stop last night, in a moment of madness I ripped the lot out and in doing so realised the Z stop switch had basically fallen apart and the extra travel was making contact which is why the results were all over the place.
Took the opportunity to install the auto bed levelling sensor and flash the Marlin firmware. Seems the "configured" build on the Tevo FB group is complete cack and needed/needs some tweaking still.
Y axis was reversed, no SD card support and the homing is all messed up. Managed to get Y and SD support sorted but the homing is driving me crazy. It just wants to print in the closest corner on the left despite having full motion when it homes. Bed levelling works nicely though, even if I have had to lose my glass print bed for now.
I'm assuming it's offsets somewhere that are screwing things up, but I don't have the patience at the moment to resolve it so I've walked away for now lest the thing end up in the bin.
Yep, that green and red stuff came with. It's not bad for bargain basement filament, and has been ideal for doing test/calibration stuff and knocking out upgrades for the Tevo. Don't feel like I'm wasting good filament with my trial and error that way!
Look forward to seeing some outputs from the NFire, and those filaments sound interesting especially the CF stuff. Presumably that's going to require some special printing setup?