I got me 3D printer, awesome!

Yeah the instructions are a bit... Creality aren't known for great sample files on the SD card. I can send you file to test print if you want?

Load the Creality CR10 printer profile and change the bed size to match the ender and you'll pretty much be ready to go. For reference 60mm/s is a decent starting speed.
I think the problem was I didn't do the Cura part :(

Just got it all installed and downloaded Benchy boat to test it out with adjusted settings

Followed this for the settings

Didn't think to check the facebook group, I'll try some of those Cura profiles if this one doesn't work out
First print ended in failure, first I ran out of filament but I was watching so the refill was a seamless transition, it however wasn't enough to keep the benchy stuck on the bed which resulted in exploded cabin


Second print turned out much better and is now my first successful full print, still imperfect so any hints on what I can change to make it perfect (or as close) ?

Not much wrong with that to be honest, what would you like to be better about it?

The little zits (spots/bulges is there a official name for these ?) on the hull near the bottom, how do you avoid getting them ?

And the doorway arch on the cabin at the top where it looks like it hasn't bridged correctly ?
Those little zits are where each layer is starting, I don't use Cura so not sure where/if you have the option to change those settings. You'll never remove them completely but you can hide them a little.

As for the door arch, you can improve that with either lower layer height, better part cooling or using supports.
Slightly lower layer height can help - you might find that a specific printer works best with certain multiples of layer height as well - if you really want a more polished finish you'll probably have to look into some kind of process such as acetone vapour.
if you really want a more polished finish you'll probably have to look into some kind of process such as acetone vapour.

So it's a quirk of most 3d printers ? I don't mind doing some post print touch up but if I can eliminate problems like this during print it would make things simpler

I printed another boat today with different settings but it made some things worse while making others better, the zits were still there but they weren't as sharp

Decided I couldn't keep printing boats as well so I made some upgrades, including a filament guide and movable stopper holder upper and a fan vent ring, they all turned out okay, vent ring looked the worst but that due to one line refusing to stick but it didn't stop it from being functional and fitting perfectly and it's only temporary until I get the fans and screws for a petsfang
So it's a quirk of most 3d printers ?

To varying degrees but yeah - those with ARM controllers seem to do a bit better than the older controllers and getting the layer height dialled in makes a big difference but won't entirely eliminate it - likewise you will find some filaments (depending a lot on the needs of print cooling) produce better results in that respect than others.

Getting a good final result is as much an art as it is a science with 3D printing.
Getting a good final result is as much an art as it is a science with 3D printing.

I'm going to read the Cura manual at bedtime to better understand what every setting does, I can't go lower than 0.1mm for layer height can I ?

Would TL smoothers do anything to eliminate the zits or are they solely for salmon skin ?
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Depends on the printer - mine will do 0.04375 (with some caveats) and 0.0875 but going below 0.1mm tends to use a lot of filament for not much results in my experience.
Is anyone else here waiting on the ONO printer? The latest twist is ‘interesting’...

No, I luckily cancelled my pledge before the end of the Kickstarter.

I am waiting for a Kudo3D Bean, however which is a year later, it's shipping out now but they are trying to pull a fast one on shipping cost and also saying that the shipping company they had planned to use believes the UK has already left the EU.
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