I hate my Job :/

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Ah i c, i suppose there answer is "everyone else is managing it, why cant you?"
in which case i am implied to ask, is everyone else is managing it whilst maintaining a standard?
willd58 said:
Ah i c, i suppose there answer is "everyone else is managing it, why cant you?"
in which case i am implied to ask, is everyone else is managing it whilst maintaining a standard?

From my experience of NTL Call centres the ones that are managing it are probably doing so by being of a much lower standard of technical support and simply fobbing the customer off with engineers that take days to arrive.
The thing I don't get is that its in their best interests to provide the best customer service they can. If they have good customer service then thier reputation will get them more customers by itself (by recommendation) and therefore boost their profits. Now is it me or does that sound like good business sense? Or am I missing something. Or is it just NTL that are missing something.

This thread really does confuse and frustrate me. GRRRRR!

Piggymon said:
Can I come and work for you Rotty ? :p

I'd rather be stacking shelves in Tescos until the end of the year than put up with this crap a day longer :/
i'm glad i work for the same people as rotty and not the same people as you piggy :eek: :D
got to agree with Mr Jack. It's your life, take control, search for other work. Don't be a wage slave.


heck OcUK could do with a few more people answering phones, perhaps you should ask Spie :) but I will say, once you do get through OcUK phone peeps have always been polite helpful and well informed. So this is no way a complaint.
I had a 7 hour call yesterday and another 2 hours of the same call today.
I got a round of applause when I came in :D
My company care more about the customers and the staff than targets
Haly said:
From my experience of NTL Call centres the ones that are managing it are probably doing so by being of a much lower standard of technical support and simply fobbing the customer off with engineers that take days to arrive.

You forgot to say 'useless' engineers. The last time I had no service a spotty faced plonker came and pulled the cable up from under my lawn even tho I had told him that it must be a network problem as nobody in the road had service.

As for efficiency they sent a different engineer to every house in the road too. Now that must be very cost efficient.....NOT.
Ahh I've never had an engineer come round besides to install it all originally years ago.
Generally the problems I've had have fixed themselves or I've worked out how to fix it.
That sounds terrible.
Kinda makes me glad I'm not in "the real world" yet.

But the nature of these companies will mean that Piggy probably cant do much legally to her employers as she wont be able to do them for professional bullying- her union dont listen to her. Going in front of an employment tribunal against your employer will be very daunting and very stressful for you. Also her contract will probably need checking for the clauses of what she has to do as a job (with a solicitor perhaps) and look for a loophole. However, this contract will be legally binding and she wont have a case as shes signed it.

Best bet Piggy is to hold your head high and do the good job your doing because you should never never sacrifice your PRIDE and INTEGRITY for these people, no matter how tempting, becuase your pride and integrity are what you be able to take away from this.
Look for a job in essex where your emigrating to. Also take a holiday and think whether this is the job that you really want to do, are you able to do something different? Perhaps use your knowledge somewhere more lucrative or somewhere where you will be happy.
First thing to do in my opinion is take a holiday and have a rest.
I sincerely hope that things will improve

When she emigrates she'll have all the time in the world to look for a job that really suits her. No need to rush into the first thing that comes along :)
I think the irony will shine through when NTL decide to downsize their help desk support staff because of cost.

I say this will be ironic because the help desk support team are a cheap way to provide the customer with support (far cheaper than sending out engineers) but due to the call time limits all that will happen is more engineers will be dispatched. Meaning NTL will be lead to believe that they are having an engineer shortage and that the call centres are over achieving in their support and are requiring less time per call, because the technician is simply entering the customers details in the call out required system. This will mean Manpower set tighter time constraints until the helpdesk technician only has just enough time to memorise the customers account number and then enter that in the system whilst giving the phone answering blurb in the next call.

Manpower will have the stats to prove that they have increased efficiency by 99 million percent and reduced staff levels by 85%. This will make NTL happy. Despite the fact they are making a loss hand over fist by providing crap support and a poor service. Hence the irony of the impending helpdesk downsize

*you may think I am chatting **** but I bet I will be right (bar any slight exagerations)
Thanks again for all your support everyone ... :)

Went down to the Job Centre earlier and found one Job .. Meter Reader :p .. Will mean dropping about £3K a year but I'm sure I can tighten my belt somewhat and I'll only be doing it till I Emmigrate :)
Piggymon said:
Thanks again for all your support everyone ... :)

Went down to the Job Centre earlier and found one Job .. Meter Reader :p .. Will mean dropping about £3K a year but I'm sure I can tighten my belt somewhat and I'll only be doing it till I Emmigrate :)

Meter reader for the elecitricity board or something else?
Just curious as both my parents used to be meter readers for them :D
sorry havent read all the thread.

but i would rather take a 2/3K cut than to be stressed all the time because of the job, what is this place? (sarcasm) you CANT be sick for more than 4 days in 6/7 months (someone please explain this :rolleyes: ) and now you cant HELP customer if ** time limit goes OVER 10:44 mins. whatever next, you cant go to the toilet more than once per your shift? or cant drink tea/coffee?

what i would do or atleast think of is this:
get EVERYONE who uses NTL support thing to ring the management and say they are being cut off at around 11 minutes and their problem is still not solved and that they know the reason.

contact CAB?
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Desmo said:
When she emigrates she'll have all the time in the world to look for a job that really suits her. No need to rush into the first thing that comes along :)

Did the same myself.

Moved in with the other half after leaving a certain online bank. Spent 2 months looking for a job.

Ended up at Fujitsu. Wish I spent a bit longer searching now.

If you can afford to *which was the problem I had really* spend as long as possible looking for something you enjoy. :D

However I've now left there so, Happy again. :D

Desmo said:
When she emigrates she'll have all the time in the world to look for a job that really suits her. No need to rush into the first thing that comes along :)

she is gonna emigrate to where? near you or WITH you :p
Do all callcentres add time limits for staff per person? Ive noticed when ive been calling techical supposrt for my ISP that they start out useful and then just try to get rid of you after a while.
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