I hate my Job :/

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Piggymon said:
Trust me mate , I would do ANYTHING to get out of this hell hole ... it's not easy finding a Job in Swansea :/

I'm that desperate I'm looking at taking a £3K paycut which would drop me down to £11.5K just to get out of here :(

You have to pay for a house and car on <12k!? Maybe it's time to think about moving elsewhere if you want to stay in I.T, there's plenty jobs about, just not near you it seems, gutted. :)
PikeyPriest said:
Havent read through all 6 pages, so i`m not sure if it has been mentioned.

BUT maybe your performance problems could come from the fact you post on these forums every 5/10 minutes? :D

Were you at work when you started this thread?

I do my posts whilst I'm on break , In between calls if I am in Available or whilst I'm waiting for a PC/Customer

I don't post if I don't have time and it does not affect my work :)
Worthy said:
You have to pay for a house and car on <12k!? Maybe it's time to think about moving elsewhere if you want to stay in I.T, there's plenty jobs about, just not near you it seems, gutted. :)

I'm going to be Emmigrating to Essex so I only need something to tide me along until then really :)

Cem , I will let you know about that when the time comes .. Will drop you a PM on t'other forums ;)
Dolph said:
I beg to differ, our call centre is not unionised and doesn't suffer any of these problems. We have targets and stats but they are generally easily obtainable and allow you to spend time with the customer to get the job done.

The real issue is outsourcing and poor management. outsourcing means the company is billed for time spent, therefore they want as little time spent on each customer as possible.

The problem is when a company becomes stats obsessive. Stats monitoring is important to ensure that staff are working and not wasting time (when combined with quality monitoring), but when you start cutting the stats back and back, it's going to affect what you can do.


well I can only go by my own experiences , Ive worked in Unionised and non Unionised places.

Now I agree with what your saying ie that just cause you dont have a union your place of work is fine , but what I was trying to say is your company could change at anytime and start doing what NTL does , what recorse do you have except leaving?

That would never happen at my work , Our pay , conditions and everything else is all agreed between managment and our union. United we stand Alone we fall , managment know that. If NTL was unionised the Union would never agree to working practises like that.

When a company has the threat of a strike and the possibilty of them losing serious amounts of cash because everyones out on strike then Rubbish like NTL are pulling wouldnt happen. Its all about money.
Roughneck said:
well I can only go by my own experiences , Ive worked in Unionised and non Unionised places.

Now I agree with what your saying ie that just cause you dont have a union your place of work is fine , but what I was trying to say is your company could change at anytime and start doing what NTL does , what recorse do you have except leaving?

That would never happen at my work , Our pay , conditions and everything else is all agreed between managment and our union. United we stand Alone we fall , managment know that. If NTL was unionised the Union would never agree to working practises like that.

When a company has the threat of a strike and the possibilty of them losing serious amounts of cash because everyones out on strike then Rubbish like NTL are pulling wouldnt happen. Its all about money.

The union keep trying to get into our company. (They have more support up north). They want to get rid of all forms of performance monitoring (both stats based and call monitoring), they want to allow "family friendly" working practices, that basically translate as giving those with kids the right to pick their shifts, and force everyone else to pick up the dregs they don't want, irrespective of the needs of the business.

The big thing that the unions want is to remove the protection the company has against bad employees. Performance monitoring when done sensibly isn't something that will affect good employees, but will affect those not pulling their weight. (On the flip side, NTL sound like they are being stupid with their performance monitoring and that will cause problems). Few people on my team have any problem meeting their performance targets, and far from being reduced, Our acceptable targets have recently been raised to allow us to concentrate on quality more than speed.

Of course, I accept this is down to the management and so on, and that if that changed, then things could and would change, but it would be much worse if the union had their way with their demands.

Dolph said:
The union keep trying to get into our company. (They have more support up north). They want to get rid of all forms of performance monitoring (both stats based and call monitoring), they want to allow "family friendly" working practices, that basically translate as giving those with kids the right to pick their shifts, and force everyone else to pick up the dregs they don't want, irrespective of the needs of the business.

The big thing that the unions want is to remove the protection the company has against bad employees. Performance monitoring when done sensibly isn't something that will affect good employees, but will affect those not pulling their weight. (On the flip side, NTL sound like they are being stupid with their performance monitoring and that will cause problems). Few people on my team have any problem meeting their performance targets, and far from being reduced, Our acceptable targets have recently been raised to allow us to concentrate on quality more than speed.

Of course, I accept this is down to the management and so on, and that if that changed, then things could and would change, but it would be much worse if the union had their way with their demands.


I really do think that the image of Unions has been damaged from people who remember the 70's and 80's.

Our union is very good and doesnt go out of its way to be confritational but you know its good to have the support behind you if you need it and I agree that there is allways going to be some dead wood around but I can live with that rather than working somewhere like NTL

at the end of the day I suppose in a perfect world then we wouldnt need them but alas its not perfect.

And Im afraid Ive worked in quiet a few places like NTL and Im sure my present employer would take libertys as I well know with the hassle I had over my new contract wich I may add was sorted out by my shop steward , if it wasnt the fact the union is very big in my work.
When I worked on 151 at bt, our stats had to be about 3 minutes or below, this included average: talk times, customer wait times, testing times and time spent not taking calls :(

I had difficulties keeping my stats in target and got loads of flack for it.

One day I just said 'enough is enough' and asked my friend who relied on me to get to work if she could find alternative transport, she said yes so I went over and handed in my notice. It was the best spur of the moment decision I have ever made, no regrets whatsoever :)
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I also have experienced Manpower first hand and can say they treat their staff with contempt, acting illegally in some cases and even breaking their own terms of employment.

When I worked at BT, we moaned because we were payed minimum wage and we eventually got a raise.... wait for it.... 1p per hour

I was accidently sent a pay schedule for staff that worked over the year 2000 new years eve and christmas, BT were paying litteraly 26 times more than manpower agents were getting.

They imposed times of 5 minutes on us to get customers details, log the call, solve the problem all without going on hold to finish the trouble ticket. When you consider the carp system they had called RARS that in those days took over 4 minutes to bring the details up, you can see why most problems never got logged.

Everyone without exception complained and it ended up with a manager taking calls, we all watched in trepidation at what they achieved.... 27 minutes average call time.

Anyway, manpower acting illegally: In my time, no end of people were sacked without a chance to call their union rep. No chance for explaination and discrimination was unbelievable. They (manpower reps) would disappear on shopping trips and when they bothered to come in to the office they would talk about the agents with comments like "We could replace you all tomorrow so stop moaning, we have more important things" or "We want more women on the helpdesk", so they were actively discriminating at interview level. At the time I was working there, they paid no attention to health and safety with missing floor tiles on a raised floor office, loose and trailing wires, bare electrical cables under desks (one desk was named the electric desk because you alway got a shock from it). None of these concerns were ever addressed and staff turnover was astronomical. You were a veteran if you were there longer than your training period.

I think its time to put these idiots in the papers. At the time the papers called call centres the sweatshops of England.
It was an agency called blue arrow, basically manpower. I worked there for about 2 and a half years.

Lincoln 151 training staff said that the average burn out time for a 151 advisor was 2 years, so I didnt do too bad getting 6 months past my wits end :D

I think I was wrong about the stats, they must've been slightly higher, I can only seem to remember the rediculously tedious side of being a 151 advisor and trainer (used to train and supervise at doncaster sometimes).
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Piggymon said:
I'd consider doing anything .. I wouldn't mind a career change .. Not right now as I won't be in the job for that long due to me Emmigrating :)

Train to be a sparky / plumber / Desmo's ducatti mechanic :)

Best of luck with the job hunt, IT sector pay is going up nicely down south.
Von Smallhausen said:
Have you condidered a complete career change Piggy ?


How do you get from her hating her Support job, because of the stupid hoops she has to jump through to satisfy the management, to her needing to change careers? Seems a bit of a drastic change to me just because of one poor working environment.
Piggymon said:
I'd consider doing anything .. I wouldn't mind a career change .. Not right now as I won't be in the job for that long due to me Emmigrating :)

Get yourself a class 1 HGV license. There is a huge shortage and expect to earn around £30k
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