The union keep trying to get into our company. (They have more support up north). They want to get rid of all forms of performance monitoring (both stats based and call monitoring), they want to allow "family friendly" working practices, that basically translate as giving those with kids the right to pick their shifts, and force everyone else to pick up the dregs they don't want, irrespective of the needs of the business.
The big thing that the unions want is to remove the protection the company has against bad employees. Performance monitoring when done sensibly isn't something that will affect good employees, but will affect those not pulling their weight. (On the flip side, NTL sound like they are being stupid with their performance monitoring and that will cause problems). Few people on my team have any problem meeting their performance targets, and far from being reduced, Our acceptable targets have recently been raised to allow us to concentrate on quality more than speed.
Of course, I accept this is down to the management and so on, and that if that changed, then things could and would change, but it would be much worse if the union had their way with their demands.