I have 1GB of DDR1 RAM is it possible to gain access to Crysis ultra high settings?

Good thread, my x2 downclocked to 1.6ghz with ram lowered to pc5300 @ 5-5-5-?? and 256mb 6800gs get's near enough 80fps in Crysis at extreme detail (it's a secret high detail level for the top end pcs), 2560x1600 resolution. Looked better than real life.
Everyone else who calls lies is just jealous. ;)

slowrunner said:
In his other thread he says it's a pentium D820.............

1280x1024, 8xAA, all high I get 30fps average and thats on the benchmark, in game 4xAA is not playable, to run 4xAA at a playable framerate you need close to 8800GT, GTX or GTS SLi or 3850/3870XF.
Wow, my AMD K6-2 333MHz with 64MB RAM + Windows 98 + GeForce MX440 runs crysis at ultra high settings in directx 5 at around 200 fps :D

I'm kidding of course...

Jokes aside, the PC1 in my sig manages crysis at high settings 1680x1050 res 0AA at around 20-30fps.
Well here is his full spec.....

Sorry guys for not getting back, thanks for all the replies

My PC specs are below:

Intel Pentium D 820 Dual Core Processor by ADVENT the model number is Advent T9107

2.8GHz Dual Core 800MHz FSB, 2 x 1MB Cache
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition + Service pack 2
250GB Hard Disk Drive/ 2 Partitions
Multi-Format Dual Layer DVD RW Drive
512MB Nvidia 8800 GT
6-in-1 Media Card Reader
4 USB 2.0 Connections
20.1" LG 203WT 1600x1050 Flat Panel Monitor

I am not sure what motherboard i have got as i am away from my computer right now but from an internet search it's seems to be the Asus P55D2 motherboard.

Hi 1337z0r

Thanks for the link, as i am using XP 32 bit i guess the ram will only show up as 3GB like Manbread said above. But even though it will show up as 3GB will the computer still use the 4GB?

Is 2GB the maximum you can get in 1 stick?

I currently have 1GB DDR1 but i want to exchange it for either 2x 1GB or 2 x 2GB of DDR2 RAM.

Please any help much appreciated

Many many thanks

oh by the way i was playing crysis yesyerday on this setup, and wow i tell you the graphics are absolutely awesome and this systems runs everything in high detail and super smooth but a bit of choppy frame rates when climbing mountains and looking down but after a few seonds of load in it's super smooth, extra ram should take level loading from 1 minute to 45 seconds and also allow me to play in ultra high detail settings. I have seen my system sell now excluding monitor for £350 New including VAT and the 512MB 8800GT is a medium budget card for under £160 including VAT and delivery.And i definitely recommend you get this system if you want to play all the latest games i am having a real blast.

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Yeah DVDBunny, run the built-in bench... then people will stop hassling you........

PS - forcing AA in NVidia control panel does not apply it in-game. So you are no running AA.
They gave him that system the only 1GB of RAM... what are the OEM manu's up to?

Oh wait... is that an old Netburst P4?
Anyone who says "I'm for real" and "Trust me", I tend to think what they are saying is BS.

OP, are you feeling a little emo and want someone to give you some attention?
Jacob Billing's PC would blow Crysis away.

End of.

Just thought I'd say it.

you guys are clearly wrong, that's my pc and I can get 100FPS on crysis easy.
If he thinks he is getting that FPS at that res then I'd like some of what he is smoking please.

PS pls ignore my spec in my sig it is a figment of your imagination.
look guys, it was not my intention to turn this into some flame war. I was just pointing out that my system can run crysis very well indeed and that people who are desperately wanting to play this game wouldn't have to buy such an expensive rig. I am away from my computer and won't be using for at least till sometime next week, but i will show you the results.

I have never used fraps, how does that work. Is that only for recording the fps? If i want to record direct source video of me playing it and accessing the game menus to show up in the video, how can i do this. Wouldn't recording the direct source of me playing the game cause a big slow down?

Oh and to anyone thinking AA is not on, it is, there are absolutely no jaggies on any objects in the game, everything is flush. When your in the jungle you can wipe out a whole bunch of trees and there is no slow down and as well each leaf you can see is AA. I have every effect on High and it works flawless.
look guys, it was not my intention to turn this into some flame war. I was just pointing out that my system can run crysis very well indeed and that people who are desperately wanting to play this game wouldn't have to buy such an expensive rig. I am away from my computer and won't be using for at least till sometime next week, but i will show you the results.

I have never used fraps, how does that work. Is that only for recording the fps? If i want to record direct source video of me playing it and accessing the game menus to show up in the video, how can i do this. Wouldn't recording the direct source of me playing the game cause a big slow down?

Oh and to anyone thinking AA is not on, it is, there are absolutely no jaggies on any objects in the game, everything is flush. When your in the jungle you can wipe out a whole bunch of trees and there is no slow down and as well each leaf you can see is AA. I have every effect on High and it works flawless.

For a machine thats no more powerful than mine, I really doubt your claims.
How can you run a Pentium D with DDR1?

AFAIK the only skt775 mobos with DDR1 from ASUS is the very first P5GD1 and P5GDC with both DDR1 and DDR2 sockets. Both have ancient 915P chipset which doesn't support any dual core.

*EDIT* just noticed he's on an Advent machine so it might be an OEM mobo that are not available from retail.
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