I think I'm being sued...

they can win from a non service Judgement....meaning you basically did not reply and by default they win...

Guilty until proven innocent?

No I think if you have a look Davenport Lyons have already took someone to court for sharing a game and won a no service judgement....they did it in November....the Judge will award costs and may have done so by now.


In a Civil court case which this is you do not have to prove guilt it is based on the balance of probabilities if they can show you probably did it thats it....lol

I personally think they are not sticking to pre-action protocol.
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Not everything on the torrent network is copyrighted.....

there's a multitude of linux distros, freeware and many many other bits and bobs that don't come anywhere near the copyright laws.

Indeed, but the OP specifically stated he had been downloading XBOX 360 rips or something, so the issue of copyrighted content was implied in what I was saying.
i hope anyone gets sued for the full amount. its people that d/l cause high prices for the rest of us there is no need to d/l when u can rent if not locally then via the internet. I really hope anyone caught d/ling get whats coming to them, they are nothing but a thiefs plain and simple. they have no excuse, so stop whimpering and take your medicine, i deyest people like you, you got caught 1 time but i bet you d/l music movies and films you make me sick.
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This is why torrents are baaaad. File sharing used to be so easy and little chance of getting caught. When I move into my new house in june, I'm blocking torrents for my housemates. We can't afford to be sued. :(
i hope u get sued for the full amount. its people like u that cause high prices for the rest of us there is no need to d/l when u can rent if not locally then via the internet. I really hope you get whats coming to you, you are nothing but a thief plain and simple. you have no excuse, so stop whimpering and take your medicine, i deyest people like you, you got caught 1 time but i bet you d/l music movies and films you make me sick.

Holy lack of grammar :eek:

Start here then take anger management lessons! http://www.idigiconeducational.co.uk/garfieldsoftware.html
Counter sue them for extortion, intrusion and for emotional damages.

The fact that they got your IP address should be deemed illegal as they could be spying on you or using an illegal spyware program in order to access your PC.

"get forked, I'll see you in court bihatch"
i hope u get sued for the full amount. its people like u that cause high prices for the rest of us there is no need to d/l when u can rent if not locally then via the internet. I really hope you get whats coming to you, you are nothing but a thief plain and simple. you have no excuse, so stop whimpering and take your medicine, i deyest people like you, you got caught 1 time but i bet you d/l music movies and films you make me sick.

I didnt know the MPAA trolled here :rolleyes:
i hope u get sued for the full amount. its people like u that cause high prices for the rest of us there is no need to d/l when u can rent if not locally then via the internet. I really hope you get whats coming to you, you are nothing but a thief plain and simple. you have no excuse, so stop whimpering and take your medicine, i deyest people like you, you got caught 1 time but i bet you d/l music movies and films you make me sick.

Dude take a week off and chill.... jumping in after the guy has been honest and just asked for advice. So what if it isnt right what he's done. I think he knew that when he started the post. WELL DONE FOR POINTING IT OUT THOU :p
Counter sue them for extortion, intrusion and for emotional damages.

The fact that they got your IP address should be deemed illegal as they could be spying on you or using an illegal spyware program in order to access your PC.

"get forked, I'll see you in court bihatch"

You'd fail on all counts.

how can u justify or defend the fact that he has openly said he has d/l, i bet he is not a one time offender, he should pay the fine and then learn from his mistakes. Like i said you can hire almost anything these days either locally or via websites. there is no reason what so ever to d/l via torrent sites unless you have a hidden agenda. i.e get the latest films or games for free while the rest of us pay thru the nose.
how can u justify or defend the fact that he has openly said he has d/l, i bet he is not a one time offender, he should pay the fine and then learn from his mistakes. Like i said you can hire almost anything these days either locally or via websites. there is no reason what so ever to d/l via torrent sites unless you have a hidden agenda. i.e get the latest films or games for free while the rest of us pay thru the nose.


Because they most likely would have got the IP address from the ISP, totally legally, which negates your whole intrusion and spyware argument.

As for the emotional stress, you need a doctor to certify that that was indeed the root cause.

The extortion thing also wouldn't stand as they are merely offering an out of court settlement.

I'm pretty sure all of this has already been covered in this thread.


It might be simpler for you to list on what grounds you think you'd succeed? Because realistically you have no grounds on which to bring any of those counter-charges, you'd be laughed out of court. Not to mention that you would still be in the wrong for downloading illegal software regardless of what another company does - they may also get in trouble if you could prove there were acting illegally but it wouldn't excuse your actions.
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