I think muslims should do more to make it known this shouldn't be tolerated

starscream said:
Of course if anyone knows of any plot they should report the culperites, but why is it the responsibility of law abiding Muslims to apologise for people who they have no control over?

I thought from the thread about apologising for for the slave trade we were generally against that opinion?

tbh, I'm really ashamed that the law abiding muslims don't do enough to stop the actions of the extremists.(personally I've never experienced extremists) If putting cameras in all the mosques meant that stuff like this can be stopped then I would support that.
Uhm... I've seen no evidence anywhere that there were muslims involved today yet.

Everyone's just jumping to conclusions...

squiffy said:
Iran isn't a poo hole.
It is if you're a woman who wants to wear what she chooses. Or if you enjoy alcohol. Or if you're a non-muslim.

wunkley said:
If you were Gordon Brown now, god (sorry) forbid (anyone with such a spastic mouth who should not be in charge of this country anyway - what would you do now in light of the (again!)current terrosist attack on this country?
Why should he not be in charge of the country?
It's all funny to quip at the latest 'attempt' as no one died. I was actually caught up in July 7th and 21st in London (used to work and live in the London sh*thole) at a hospital that was involved with the casualties) and to be honest I was bricking it for months after on the trains etc. Was an absolute nightmare. The stiff upper lip portayed by the media was absolute boll*cks and I couoldn't wait to leave.
No escaping the fookers though so it seems. I now work in Manchester, and with the car bomb tactics that will now come into play (and they will do, it's not rocket science) there is no win.
Mr.Clark said:
Uhm... I've seen no evidence anywhere that there were muslims involved today yet.

Everyone's just jumping to conclusions...

It is if you're a woman who wants to wear what she chooses. Or if you enjoy alcohol. Or if you're a non-muslim.

Why should he not be in charge of the country?

Why should he not be in charge of the country?

A. I didn't vote for him and neither did the populace.

B. He has a spastic mouth

C. He has a spastic mouth
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Mr.Clark said:
Uhm... I've seen no evidence anywhere that there were muslims involved today yet.

Everyone's just jumping to conclusions...
Including the MCB and the scottish imams having their "emergency meeting" I guess?
wunkley said:
It's all funny to quip at the latest 'attempt' as no one died. I was actually caught up in July 7th and 21st in London (used to work and live in the London sh*thole) at a hospital that was involved with the casualties) and to be honest I was bricking it for months after on the trains etc. Was an absolute nightmare. The stiff upper lip portayed by the media was absolute boll*cks and I couoldn't wait to leave.
No escaping the fookers though so it seems. I now work in Manchester, and with the car bomb tactics that will now come into play (and they will do, it's not rocket science) there is no win.

maybe for you, I never had a problem with it afterwards and I and a lot of people I knew came quite close on july 7th.
wunkley said:
Why should he not be in charge of the country?

A. I didn't vote for him and neither did the populace.
I didn't vote for him either. You can't vote for someone unless they're running in your constituency.

That's how this system works. You vote for a local MP, the party with the highest proportion of MPs becomes the Government. The leader of the party (decided by the members of the party, not every Tom, Dick and Harry in the street) is the Prime Minister.

We don't vote for the leader of the country. It doesn't work like that.
Azagoth said:
Probably because nobody voted for him!

He is prime minister Brown, not president Brown. You vote for the party and they vote the leader in. At least learn something about BRITISH politics before you spout off about it.
bigredshark said:
maybe for you, I never had a problem with it afterwards and I and a lot of people I knew came quite close on july 7th.

Never had a problem with it? Classic. Are you thick skinned or thick skulled? It's amazing how quick you forget. It's only today that it's been re-awakened again, but as no one has died it will just pass by. It doesn't affect me no sir boss blah blah...., it's only those fookers down south blah blah. It happened in Glasgow today. Who knows what provincial town tomorrow.

I mean, what is it going to take to make people realise, fookers flying into the world trade centre or something, or trying to crash planes on the pentagon. Oh, hang on a minute ...
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the-void said:
He is prime minister Brown, not president Brown. You vote for the party and they vote the leader in. At least learn something about BRITISH politics before you spout off about it.

I'm well aware of the British political system, thanks, doooodoh. You tell me that you want this spastic mouthed fop in by default though...
wunkley said:
Why should he not be in charge of the country?

A. I didn't vote for him and neither did the populace.

Who voted for Tony Blair at the last general election other than his Sedgefield constituents? His name wasn't on my ballet paper, nd unless you happend to live in Sedgefield yourself he wasn't on your ballet paper either. Or anyone else's outside of Sedgefield.

He is prime minister Brown. Not president Brown.
These Muslims and NO I won’t say Muslim extremist/terrorist they have a believe burnt into them at a young age, if say every catholic/RC school went around "preaching" now about the black man terrorising Britain, Jesus we would have 1000s of skinhead troops willing to die for Britain

Its just that Britain has become a place of hate because of its polices and beliefs, where Muslims fighting in WW2 to stop Hitler taking over the world, no, they where sat at home in there dune homes wondering what that black stuff was.

Its up to the muslims of Britain to do something about it and what have they done, **** all come on tv and said "we dont all believe in these attacks" where are your fathers, mothers, sons shopping your family, bet they all laugh around the table at the next attack.

/rant and Opinion over
wunkley said:
I'm well aware of the British political system, thanks, doooodoh

Judging by your lack of comprehension regarding the difference between a prime minister and a president I would be inclined to disagree with you on that.
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