I think muslims should do more to make it known this shouldn't be tolerated

wunkley said:
Never had a problem with it? Classic. Are you thick skinned or thick skulled? It's amazing how quick you forget. It's only today that it's been re-awakened again, but as no one has died it will just pass by. It doesn't affect me no sir boss blah blah...., it's only those fookers down south blah blah. It happened in Glasgow today. Who knows what provincial town tomorrow.

I mean, what is it going to take to make people realise, fookers flying into the world trade centre or something, or trying to crash planes on the pentagon. Oh, hang on a minute ...

yeah, because i'm more likely to be run over than die at the hands of terrorists, so I don't cross the road ever....

There's nothing you can do about it, so why cower at home and worry, life goes on. I live and work in London, I've worked in Israel before and that was scary, you think this countries bad? go try tel aviv for a while. I'm not blind to the threat but I don't see any point in obsessing about it...
wunkley said:
It's all funny to quip at the latest 'attempt' as no one died. I was actually caught up in July 7th and 21st in London (used to work and live in the London sh*thole) at a hospital that was involved with the casualties) and to be honest I was bricking it for months after on the trains etc. Was an absolute nightmare. The stiff upper lip portayed by the media was absolute boll*cks and I couoldn't wait to leave.
No escaping the fookers though so it seems. I now work in Manchester, and with the car bomb tactics that will now come into play (and they will do, it's not rocket science) there is no win.
You're just a coward tbh.

I've seen all this **** before, but back then it was the IRA.

If you want to live your life in fear, then so be it.

I, and thousands of others will carry on life as normal and stick two fingers up at the 'terrorists'.
wunkley said:
The stiff upper lip portayed by the media was absolute boll*cks and I couoldn't wait to leave.

Oh the drama. :rolleyes: We have lived with the threat of terrorism in this country since 1972. Were hardened experienced veterans of terrorism in this country. And the sooner these idiots realise that we will never be bowed by terrorism the sooner they will go back to pulling the legs off spiders.

Therefore I think you will find that the English are well versed in dealing with terrorism and you will find their upper lip is as stiff as wet sheet on a frosty October morning.

Also if you grew up in the 80's you had the very real threat of all out nuclear war with Russia. I remember being worried about all this as well as the IRA. I don't think I ever bricked myself because of it though.

If you start running round bricking yourself then they have won. You don't want that to happen, now do you laddie. Come on, pull your socks up.
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Digital Punk said:
You're just a coward tbh.

I've seen all this **** before, but back then it was the IRA.

If you want to live your life in fear, then so be it.

I, and thousands of others will carry on life as normal and stick two fingers up at the 'terrorists'.

I agree with you to a certain extent. However, having lived and worked in 'hotspots' if you will, I think this bravado attitude seen on here and further afield is very much dependent on where you actually live! If you live and work in the country/ middle of nowhere? - Oooh this is great stuff , and thank god I've got sky news, Big Brother's really boring this summer. You work and travel into London, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham etc - different story altogether. Coward? Too ******* right I am you c**t!

Oh, and give my regards to your two fingers as they sail through the air on a semtex blast wave etc ;)
Digital Punk said:
You're just a coward tbh.

I've seen all this **** before, but back then it was the IRA.

If you want to live your life in fear, then so be it.

I, and thousands of others will carry on life as normal and stick two fingers up at the 'terrorists'.

I will stick to fingers up and march on to these towns where they live, they live with each other, so they are all just collateral, woman and children, its gone on long enough, the Government should move in like in The Siege lock them down, we don’t need there support they only provide this country with curry and poor speaking GP.

I remember when Warrington was bomb I was about 10 and that scared me a lot, with all the talk of bombing in Wigan.
wunkley said:
Oh I really don't like you. Please go away.

So soon after you after you declared your love for me. :p

You really a confused little man aren't you. One minute you love me, the next you don't. Perhaps its your nerves that have got the better of you. I bet your terrified aren't you when you travel through those 'hotspots'. Would you like me to get you a blanket to hide under until all the terrorists have gone? :D Do you want to hold my hand, I don't mind, it must be horrid being so scared like that.
the-void said:
That was an unexpected, yet brilliant comeback. Actually made me laugh. Have a good sleep mate. Hope your head don't hurt too much in the morning. ;)

Ahhh you see, we're all friends now. Why can't we all just get along ;) Thought for the night and this thread I say.

I am of course being sarcastic, or am I.
starscream said:
What specifically do you want them to do? Surveys always show that 99% do not support attacks so it is already clear that it is not accepted.

'Surveys always show'... WTF? Do you think you're allowed to make sweeping statements just becasue I step away from the keyboard for 5 minutes?
cleanbluesky said:
'Surveys always show'... WTF? Do you think you're allowed to make sweeping statements just becasue I step away from the keyboard for 5 minutes?


I think 99% was a bit of an exaggeration and you often hear of some muslims saying "i don't agree with it, but i think the UK had it coming". I don't know many Muslims at all, but the ones i do know would be as outraged at this as you or i.
the-void said:
He is prime minister Brown, not president Brown. You vote for the party and they vote the leader in. At least learn something about BRITISH politics before you spout off about it.

What a load of crap! Explain how there was a 'Tony Blair fund' when he was running for PM? Surely it should've been a Labour party fund if it was the party being voted on!

Apparently you seem to have some sort of bee in your bonnet about this! By the way, I do know quite a lot about the British political system, I actually worked within it for 5 years!
Azagoth said:
What a load of crap!


He is Prime Minister Brown and not president Brown. I fail to understand why you claim that is crap. I take it that you're not actually speaking about me directly and are probably angered by the fact that Blair treated his position as though it were a Presidency.

Other than that I don't believe how you worked in politics and yet fail to understand how it works. Just because Blair might have had a Blair fund like you claim he did does not change the fundamentals of how the system works. We do not have a presidency system in this country, contrary to the image portrayed by Blair.

I suggest you do some research on this before you start saying people are talking crap, you're making yourself look foolish.
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