I5 2500k - Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3P Overclocking


Right, couldnt get the vtt to change in bios (it was purple?) changed that in touch bios so ill reboot.

Changed everything else, tried Vcore at 1.36 and BSOD within 30 secs of booting into windows, Now set at 1.38v so ill see what happens under load. I am using Prime95, but you mention intel burn test? Is the intel one better? (sorry for simple questions.. we all have to learn somehow!!!)

So, 1.38v i got BSOD after 7 Results with Intel Burn test. Rebooted and upped Vcore to 1.39. Burn test completed (average 111.xxxx) Core temps peaked at 78 for a second or two, but mainly at around 68. Idle is 34c..

CPU-Z is showing Vcore mainly at 1.404 but will drop every once in a while to 1.392.
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Vcore is now 1.38 and the burn test did 10 runs at standard without BSOD. Max core temps were much better, topped out at 69c

Vcore in CPUz now shows 1.392

Reckon that should be good now? I dont think i want to push any further than 4.5ghz, thats a big enough jump for me!!
Vcore is now down to 1.370 and held fine running burn test on high for 10 runs :)

Ill leave Prime95 running overnight, but all in all i wll happy that i have got my Vcore down and keeping stable at this point.

Many thanks for all the help, its much appreciated :)
I totally thrash my cpu with burntest when overclocking, as I like to get my system solid as a rock. I max out burntest for a min of 12hrs at a time when getting my cpu stable.
I totally thrash my cpu with burntest when overclocking, as I like to get my system solid as a rock. I max out burntest for a min of 12hrs at a time when getting my cpu stable.

Stable for what computing armageddon. I can't see anything ever stressing the cpu that much. Is it not a bit overkill :confused:
where did you get your fans from moogleys? i found some but they look bit different,your coolers better than mine,im using akasa nero s atm,its only one i had lying around with 1155 clips,also have a thermolab baram cooler which is much much better but only has 1366 clips
where did you get your fans from moogleys? i found some but they look bit different,your coolers better than mine,im using akasa nero s atm,its only one i had lying around with 1155 clips,also have a thermolab baram cooler which is much much better but only has 1366 clips

Trust sent...
No cold boot issue this morning either, perhaps it's temp related as both today and yesterday I've had the room heater on ?

Could just be placebo lol ;)
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Hi guys, trying to overclock i7 2600k on a Gigabyte Z68AP-D3 motherboard, can anyone advise on bio setting for this board. Would like to achieve 4.5GHz but at the moment cannot seem to achieve the smallest amount of overclock. This board seems to be different in the way theres no option just to alter the cpu vcore voltage, only option I can see is Dynamic Vcore(DVID).
I've tried upping the cpu clock ratio and upping a small amout of volts in Dynamic Vcore(DVID) but still no look, just keeps on looping at the bootup stage back to the Gigabyte splash screen until I set it back to standard settings. Do I need to alter any of the other setting? could it be something to do with my ram and the setting on them which I've left at defult. Beginning to think I've got a carp cpu & board, anyway thanks for any help you can give me.
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Just a quick report back, after thinking i was stable last night at 1.38v @ 4.5ghz, i got a BSOD.

Updated my BIOS to 7C and used the 4.5ghz settings on page 1 to start from scratch. At 1.33v, BSOD on boot, so upped it to 1.35.. IBT on high no problems, Prime95 run on a quick test for 30mins, No problems

Temps on idle around 35c and on load average about 70c

Thought things were looking good at this point, but opened Media Player to watch a film and BSOD.. Without going back to where i was with my vCore at 1.4 i really dont know what to do now??
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No cold boot issue this morning again, room was kept at a nice temp not cold before I started the system....

Still could just be placebo though
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