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i7 6700k Owners Club

Been in touch with Intel today and they're gonna get back to me tomorrow about getting a replacement CPU sent out to me, to see if the CPU is faulty or not.

I must admit, while I'm in game and it stutters I drop 20-30 fps.

How would I go about checking to see if the cores are parking? I'm on Windows 7 64bit Premium

EDIT: The amount of VRAM used when I'm playing DM on CSGO didn't go above 721MB and the load at most was 50%, does that seem normal for a 3GB GTX 780?
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Just wondering if someone can clarify this for me. I have today changed the CPU core / cache voltage in BIOS to 1.2V, saved and exited. Next boot up I checked the BIOS again to ensure that i was running at 1.2V and I was. I was later running Prime95 with cpuz and the CORE VID voltage is was piking between 1.32-145V same as when I had it on AUTO? Am I reading this right?? Have I done something wrong? Running 6700k skylake with asus maximus hero 8 mobo. I don`t want to overclock or anything just trying to figure out the basics here.


Why sometimes when I turn on the CPUz it shows CORE VID and sometimes in the exact same place it shows CORE VOLTAGE...????? Am I stupid or what?? What is the difference between them???


Could someone please enlighten me??
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6700k test

Not sure if this is frowned upon or whatever but is there anyone willing to give me results using a 6700k overclocked or not, on the latest svn of pcsx2 playing the halo jump intro cutscene of metal gear solid 3 in software mode.

My 2600k gets a more or less steady 60fps in gameplay but a very slow motion mess of 20 - 40fps in cutscenes. Basically just want to see how far intel has come since the 2600k.

Software mode has an option to add cpu cores at the bottom of the graphics section on dx11 mode, this should help boost performance.

Got my Skylake rig up and running
6700k/ Asus z170-A / corsair h80i/ corsair dominator ram kit
Samsung M.2 SSD / nvidia 970 /

Time to look in the bios for tweaks :)


Prime95 is bad, it heats up your CPU far too much which is probably what the voltage spike is.

Try something like OCCT, or Asus RealBench.

I use these settings for OCCT as per suggestion of JediFragger, managed to get my CPU stable and it hasn't crashed doing anything I normally do, so I'm pretty happy:

Do any of you see heat spikes? Mine idles 25-30c then if you do something that fully utilises the cpu for a few seconds it'll spike to 65 then drop down to 45 odd before shortly returning to idle temps. I am using a fixed vcore of a 1.36 so its not a auto voltage issue. It will take a few minutes when benching to reach 65 odd after the spike.
Prime95 is bad, it heats up your CPU far too much which is probably what the voltage spike is.

Try something like OCCT, or Asus RealBench.

I use these settings for OCCT as per suggestion of JediFragger, managed to get my CPU stable and it hasn't crashed doing anything I normally do, so I'm pretty happy:


Re - prime95... just use one of the earlier version like 28.5 ... no excessive heat issues then :) ... well at least not on skylake chips.
Using an easier bench because it makes your CPU too hot is like lowering the requirements for female firefighters.

The problem is when you run p95, particularly ver 28.5. There's a very good chance you will hit throttling temps at stock let alone overclocked. Therefore not a great indicator of stability. Mainstream chips from Ivybridge onwards simply aren't capable of dealing with the heat that p95/ibt dish out. Any stress test Tha uses AVX instructions will cause extremely high temps. Hence most people use real bench or normal tasks.
The problem is when you run p95, particularly ver 28.5. There's a very good chance you will hit throttling temps at stock let alone overclocked. Therefore not a great indicator of stability. Mainstream chips from Ivybridge onwards simply aren't capable of dealing with the heat that p95/ibt dish out. Any stress test Tha uses AVX instructions will cause extremely high temps. Hence most people use real bench or normal tasks.

Strange ... Mine (OC'd at 4.4 on auto) barely hits 60C running Prime95
and max of around 70C on IBT. Can't see it catching fire at that myself ;)

Might get a Haswell chip running hot under the collar, certainly not a Skylake one.
Here you go:
And it doesn't get much hotter if you run it for 8 hours +

And IBT.
Not much hotter than running Prime95:

And this is on an air cooler (Noctua NH-U14S in push/pull) and a PWM curve. So fans not even working at full blast until 70C reached).
Could also reduce these temps further by setting a manual voltage (1.3v is fully stable at 4.4). But I like to have the CPU power saving features enabled.

One of the BIG assets of the Skylake chips in my opinion, is their thermal performance. Which compared to everything else since Sandy Bridge... is great :):):)
Thouse temps seem great, mine goes over 80 and thats with a nh d14 on max fans, and at just stock 4200, there are different tests on prime thou, are you useing the max heat test ? is your overclock all on auto, and you just changed the core to 44 ?
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Thouse temps seem great, mine goes over 80 and thats with a nh d14 on max fans, and at just stock 4200, there are different tests on prime thou, are you useing the max heat test ? is your overclock all on auto, and you just changed the core to 44 ?

Yes and yes :)

PS. Stock is 4000
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Strange ... Mine (OC'd at 4.4 on auto) barely hits 60C running Prime95
and max of around 70C on IBT. Can't see it catching fire at that myself ;)

Might get a Haswell chip running hot under the collar, certainly not a Skylake one.
Good to see mate, maybe intel got it right finally with the thermal paste. But myself. i wasnt gonna take that chance. I had a 4790k at 4.7ghz. But got a good offer on a 5820k, board and ram. Had to take it. Tbh all modern intel quad cpu's are grand with gaming, (my main use) more gpu dependent. Enjoy your system mate.:)
Thouse temps seem great, mine goes over 80 and thats with a nh d14 on max fans, and at just stock 4200, there are different tests on prime thou, are you useing the max heat test ? is your overclock all on auto, and you just changed the core to 44 ?

thats high for auto and the D14 is one of the best coolers out there , something doesnt seem right
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