Whats even more ludicrous is the suggestion that Nvidia spent tonnes of money testing all their cards for compatibility for the game makers to make sure it all worked.
Yet AA did work with NO ISSUES at all on the demo, with apparently, no testing whatsoever. So either Nvidia spent tonnes making it work because obviously there was a problem and ATi had no problems, or Nvidia didn't need to do tonnes of testing because it just worked........ either way, it worked, fine, for ATi testing or not, they took out a FULLY WORKING FEATURE with no bugs and problems.
Even more ridiculous, Batman wasn't a "new" game when ported to the PC, it was already working, on consoles, including a console with an ATi gpu in, and didn't have issues.
Testing, incompatibility, paying for physx, none of this is an issue or remotely relevant to the thread. Nvidia did two things, they paid a company to remove an already working feature from ATi only cards, which goes straight back and works fine the second you change the hardware ID of the card, there is simply proof of this everywhere.
It clearly works on ATi hardware, compatibility testing is a non issue. As for the tripe Physx in the game that clearly works fine on a CPU when not artificially limited to one core, you realise again that Nvidia are sabotaging their own API to run so slowly it only works, without tweaking, well on their hardware. These are average effects we've had for years that they themselves sabotage to be purposefully slow, harming ALL gamers, just so people use their cards.